History and Background

History and Background

Background to George King
Background to George King

Written by:

Natu Patel

Historical Background to ‘George King and Six Adepts Private Members Association’

George King & Six Adepts Private Members Association is set up as a world-wide religious organisation based entirely on the work and legacy of the Englishman– the late Doctor George King (23rd January 1919 to 12th July 1997). In May 1954, He was contacted by Space Intelligences from the other planets in our solar system, to act as a channel for higher truth and wisdom to be imparted to the human race, prior to the great changes destined to take place on Earth which would eventually lead to lasting peace and harmony.

Doctor George King was no ordinary individual. He was born in Wellington, Shropshire on January 23rd 1919. From an early age He had an enquiring mind to find out more about life. In the Second World War He joined the fire brigade and helped greatly during the blitz in London. It was about that time that He threw the whole of his spare time into the ardent practice of yoga. As well as doing his normal work during the day, He would come home and start his practices and continue those for between 8 to 10 hours daily. It meant that He slept for maybe one of two hours only. Over a period of ten years He was able to raise the power of Kundalini from the base of the spine to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head so that He became a Master of Yoga in his own right. He was no longer an ordinary man but an enlightened individual. To our knowledge nobody in the west has displayed this kind of determination to achieve such a goal!

In May 1954 he was contacted by space intelligences to become the voice of the Cosmic Masters. To achieve this He had to go into a positive trance condition which allowed a Cosmic Being to project his thought translated into English by the voice box of Doctor George King. He was designated: ‘Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel’ of reception on Terra as the voice of Interplanetary Parliament. Over the ensuing years hundreds of transmissions were relayed through him, which were recorded on magnetic tape and stored in safe vaults. Most of these transmissions were put into printed form for the general public.

On July 23rd 1958, he was summoned at midnight to a hilltop called Holdstone Down in North Devon over-looking the Bristol Channel. The Master Jesus appeared from a spacecraft and put a charge of spiritual energy into the hilltop. The energy was relayed through Doctor George King, making it a New Age Power Centre. Four days later, whilst in London, Doctor George King was over-shadowed by The Master Jesus who delivered his New Age Bible called ‘The Twelve Blessings’. It consisted of Twelve Transmissions, which were relayed over twelve consecutive Sundays. This act alone should have made Doctor George King an Archbishop in His own right, but humanity is slow to respond to any great events until decades or even centuries later. Over the following months eight more mountains in Britain were charged with spiritual energy for the use of humans. This mission was designated ‘Operation Starlight’. In November 1958 Doctor George King was informed that a new Master would be coming soon to Earth to lead humanity into the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.

In May 1959, Doctor George King together with one of his colleagues from London travelled through the United States of America from New York to Los Angeles in California where He set up his main Headquarters of Operations. Cosmic Transmissions continued to come through him although the frequency had reduced. In 1961, ‘The Nine Freedoms’ transmissions were delivered which set the path that humans have to take to evolve through our Solar System.

Operation Starlight was extended to the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Europe so that in all nineteen mountains were charged with high frequency spiritual energy. Other vital tasks continued to be performed in America to bring about relief and suffering throughout the world through spiritual action.

Soon after Doctor George King had been contacted by the Space Intelligences it came to light that there were indeed three Interplanetary Agents who were alive on the physical plane of Earth. One of them designated Nixes 001 was Doctor George King himself although his identity was never ever revealed to anyone other than his closest associates. Nixes 002 was believed to have lived in Japan. Nixes 003 might have lived in Greece or Cyprus. The main function of these Adepts was to protect humanity from the evil forces lurking in the lower astral planes of Earth.

There are different levels of existence on which life continues. The level upon which we exist is designated Level 1– the physical plane. Above this there are 6 different levels upon which decent citizens and advanced souls gain necessary experience. Unfortunately, below the physical plane are four lower planes upon which different grades of evil exist. The levels of sophistication in armament and deadly weaponry is beyond our imagination. It is these forces of evil who have been controlling events upon the Earth.

The purpose of the Three Adepts was to stop the rise of the forces of evil from the lower astral realms from taking over complete control of all levels of existence. In 1965 the Three Adepts were performing the ‘Alien Mission’ which involved the eviction of the alien android and curtailment of its plans for the future. As the Alien Mission had placed tremendous strain on the Three Adepts they were joined by two others– Nixes 004 and 005 who operated from the higher planes of existence. Adept Nixes 006– the Master Babaji also entered in this action. In 1966/67 the Adepts were involved in intergalactic conflict referred to as the ‘Gotha Mission’. Finally between 1967 and 69 the Six Adepts successfully completed Operation Karmalight– referred to as ‘Armageddon’ in history which involved the transmutation of Satan and all his key black magicians from the lower astral realms.

Following their main task on the lower astral realms the Six Adepts embarked on one of the greatest engineering projects ever undertaken on Earth– namely– ‘Operation Space Magic’. This involved the setting up of special modules to be placed on the Planets Saturn, Jupiter Venus and Neptune so that high frequency energies could be relayed to Earth to help to raise the vibration of humanity as well as the Planet.

Without the vital work carried out by the Six Adepts humanity would be today under the complete control of satanic forces. Nobody would believe what has been achieved by the Higher Forces of Light but time will prove the Truth.

On July 8th 1964, the Planet Earth received Her Primary Initiation when She was given the amount of energy She had received when She was born as a Planet 3 billion years ago. This information was relayed through Doctor George King as the mission was being performed. Following this move it was revealed that vibration of all matter would begin to rise gradually as the Earth moves into a new domain of experience. All major religions talk about a period of darkness followed by peace and harmony. Naturally as the Earth begins to move forward humanity at large will have to change its ways to steer away from evil into spiritual light. Such a goal will be achieved by following the numerous paths available through the practice of the ancient science of Yoga– which is Union with God.

In 1966, Doctor George King conceived a practical way in which humanity could offer to the living Planet Earth a small token repayment of the vast energy debt that it owes to Her. This was designated ‘Operation Sunbeam’ which evolved over many years to become one of the most powerful tools given to humanity to bring about a massive reduction of natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tornados and famine. This Mission has also slowed down the process of natural change giving humans an opportunity to alter its ways and move forward onto the spiritual path. In 1973 yet another Mission, referred to as ‘Operation Prayer Power,’ was implemented to give ordinary people an opportunity to bring relief and help in man-made and natural disasters.

It is obvious that when the work of Doctor George King and the Six Adepts is examined in an honest and truthful manner then major changes at all levels appear on the horizon. This will require humanity to wake up and take the challenge to build the New Age of Peace and enlightenment which is dawning. Alternatively, do nothing and be cast on a new planet which is being prepared where humanity can continue meddling its tedious way until time comes to yet again change and start to build another age of peace. There is no escape from our ultimate goal to head towards God realisation.

George King and Six Adepts Private Members Association is set up to offer ordinary people an opportunity to advance spiritually and morally forward into an age of lasting Peace and Enlightenment.

If you are interested in joining our cause, enquire today!

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