Membership Application Form

1.0 Membership Conditions

The following conditions apply for Membership of George King and Six Adepts Private Members Association:

1.0.1 Observance of Holy Days

It is a condition of Membership that all Members observe July The Eighth, the Holiest Day of the year and the 12 other major Commemoration dates celebrated by The Association, in the manner laid down by the Committee. A complete listing of these dates is as follows:

  • July 8th - Primary Initiation of Earth

  • August 23rd - Completion of Operation Starlight

  • September 24th - Start of Operation Sunray

  • October 26th - Eviction of the alien android

  • November 11th - Start of Operation Earth Light

  • January 22nd - End of Alien Mission

  • January 23rd - Birthday of Master George King

  • February 24th - End of Operation Karmalight

  • March 5th - Start of Operation Space Magic

  • March 15th - Master Jesus’s Birthday

  • March 18th - Start of Operation Power Light

  • May 8th - ‘The Command’

  • May 28th - First Spiritual Push of Modern Times

  • June 30th - Start of Operation World Prayer

Note: The actual dates these Commemorations are observed will vary slightly from year to year.

All category of Members are required to take July 8th off from their normal employment, unless their profession requires emergency work in an essential community service.

Members are required to observe the official Commemoration dates in the following manner:

  1. By attending all required Aspiring Services on July the Eighth and the other major Commemorations held at their nearest Association Centre, unless such attendance is not possible due to unavoidable conditions such as: illness, severe weather, distance from a Centre, unavailability of transport, etc.

  2. Members unable to attend a Centre are required to observe July the Eighth and the 12 other major Commemorations to the best of their ability in their own homes or wherever possible to them in surroundings conducive to such Spiritual activities.

1.0.2 Application/Renewal

Those applying for Membership for the first time, are required to include a short resume of their past and present religious affiliations. A brief explanation as to why they wish to become a Member and whether or not they have read any of the Association’s literature, listened to any of the recorded materials, or attended any of the classes, lectures, and/or Aspiring Services.

1.0.3 Membership Fee

The annual subscription covering an Earth Year (July 8th of the current year through July 7th of the following year), is £30 which include the ‘Association News’.

Members are allowed to vote at AGMs and EGMs of the Association.

2.0 Associate

A member of the Association after 5 years may apply to become an Associate. The knowledge and teachings of the Association of such a one needs to be excellent to advance to the new position.

3.0 Initiate

A dedicated Associate after many years may wish to advance to the Initiate state. Such an individual would need to be above the sex impulse and have control over it so that the person is firmly on the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder.

4.0 Disciple

An Initiate capable of presenting all different aspects of the work of the Association may be determined to move forward and assume the title of a Disciple of Master George King, the ultimate state of commitment to the cause.

5.0 Apply

To apply please email with the following details and we will get back to you as soon as possible:

  • Full Name

  • Address

  • Telephone/Mobile

  • Date of Birth

  • Photograph of Yourself

If you are interested in joining our cause, enquire today!

George King & Six Adepts


© George King & Six Adepts PMA 2025. All Rights Reserved.

If you are interested in joining our cause, enquire today!

George King & Six Adepts


© George King & Six Adepts PMA 2025. All Rights Reserved.

If you are interested in joining our cause, enquire today!

George King & Six Adepts


© George King & Six Adepts PMA 2025. All Rights Reserved.