Written by:
Natu Patel
Six Cosmic Knights - Saviours of humanity
The early part of the twentieth century saw the birth of Three Interplanetary Agents put in birth in three different parts of the world. They grew into manhood and through the ardent practice of the true Yogas became Masters in their own rights. Such events have been displayed throughout the ages by Masters such as Shri Krishna, the Lord Buddha, the Master Jesus and others.
The work of the three Agents referred to as the ‘Three Adepts’ began in the mid 1950’s. Their main task was to protect humanity from the powerful dark forces lurking in the lower regions of Earth. The material world upon which we exist is only one level of manifestation. There are six levels above this where good, decent citizens and more advanced souls reside. Unfortunately, there are also four levels below our physical world where evil exists in abundance controlled by the most powerful and deadly black magicians. All the murderers and dictators who have emerged on to the physical plane have come from these lower astral realms.
By the mid 1960’s the real work of the Three Adepts began in earnest in the lower astral realms. In their first assignment they had to remove an ancient android which had been placed there thousands of years previously. Its task was to prepare armed forces in its own time to take complete control of the Planet. Such was the pressure on the Three Adepts that Two more Agents were introduced and furthermore the Master Babaji from the Himalayas, thus constituting ‘The Six Adepts’ Team. Under the most gruesome battle that raged between the forces of light and darkness the android was finally evicted from the lower astral realms and sent back to the galaxy from whence it had originally come. Historical reference to the ‘666’ may point to this event.
Between late 1967 and early 1969, the Six Adepts were involved in ‘Armageddon’ which was the clash with satan which led to his death and also of the twelve prominent black magicians. A mighty great cleansing of the lower astral realms had begun and continued over the years.
Since that time the Six Adepts have been extremely active in helping humanity to prepare it for the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment which is now dawning on Earth.
Towards the late twentieth century, the Three Adepts living on the physical plane left Earth through normal death. Adepts Number 4 and 5 existing on the higher planes are still on Earth. They have been joined by Adepts Number 7, 8 and 9 to continue their help in the spiritual growth of the human race.
The George King and Six Adepts Private Members Association has been formed to explore the mighty work of the Six Adepts and encourage the serious student of Truth to put theory into practice.