Written by:
Natu Patel
Part 1 : The Pyramid Enigma
1.0 Introduction
Many decades ago what had begun as a mild interest in the mystery of the pyramids grew in stature as the years rolled on. Brought up in an eastern environment and educated in the western sciences I did not let go of either of those traits under the illusion that one was right and the other wrong or lacking in logic. It is said that the theory of the east and the practice of the west forms the perfect balance. Let me take you on a journey to fathom some of the mysteries surrounding those strange structures on the surface of our planet that we refer to as the pyramids. This investigation is in three parts : “Part 1 : The Pyramid Enigma”, “Part 2 : visit to Saqqara” and “Part 3 : Pyramid Meta-science Exploration”. (Please note that all dimensions are quoted in imperial units as the “inch” is a very ancient measure. An “inch” = 2.54 cm; “foot” = 30.5 cm).
2.0 Initial Search
Born in India but brought up in Kenya, East Africa; as children, one of my uncles used to read from the holy Hindu scriptures referred to as the “Ramayana” [Ref 1] and the “Maha Bharata” [Ref 2] which mentions flying machines referred to as the “Vimanas”. As I grew up I had a great yearning to discover the mystery behind the phenomena of Flying Saucers especially after I had read George Adamski’s book entitled : “Flying Saucers Have Landed” [Ref 3]. After I had moved to London, England, I was eventually drawn to The Aetherius Society in the Summer of 1965. Interestingly enough, in 1955, at the age of 13, I had resolved to get to the bottom of Flying Saucers in ten year’s time so my wish had come true. The late founder/president of the society was an Englishman by the name of Doctor George King (1919 – 1997). I was very impressed with this individual when I probed into his life. He had started practising yoga during the Second World War in London for 8 hours daily as well as leading a normal working life. Over a period of 10 years he had raised the mystic fire of Kundalini up to the highest centre within the body [Ref 4]. He was therefore a master of yoga in his own right. Personally, having had an eastern upbringing as well as some experience in yoga, I realised that I was dealing with an exceptional man. His knowledge and experience of life was incredible and he was also an extremely practical person.
At the time I was living in London and studying aeronautical engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology. Doctor George King had emigrated to the United States of America in 1959 and lived in Los Angeles, where he had set up the American Headquarters. In February, 1966, at the opening ceremony of the new premises of the Aetherius Society in America, Doctor King gave an excellent lecture which was tape-recorded and later played at the European Headquarters in Fulham, London. Amongst one of the topics he covered was the strange powers that the Pyramids have! He said that if you built a small scaled down model of the Giza Pyramid, based in Egypt, you would be able to sense some strange phenomena. If a larger model was constructed and you could get inside it then you would be able to send out tremendous energy. Although what I heard was fascinating it all sounded rather far-fetched and bizarre and I did not believe a word of it.
Some weeks later I thought about what I had heard from Doctor King about the pyramids. Although it had sounded strange and unbelievable I felt that to be fair to the man I should at least carry out some investigations of my own. Up to that moment I had found Doctor King to be a very honest and straight forward individual who had stated that he spoke the truth every time he delivered any lecture or talk. A visit to the local library in Fulham provided me with the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Its square base measured 755 feet and rose to a height of 481 feet. I made a card-board model with a base of 12 inches and a height of 7.6 inches. As suggested, I asked a colleague to place the model above my head. Much to my delight nothing happened and I concluded that the whole thing was nonsense. Afterwards I placed the model on top of a cupboard in my room and aligned it to the magnetic north south.
Two weeks later from pure curiosity I took the model down and again had it placed above my head. This time though I began to feel something like an electrical flow of energy which rose from my feet and travelled upwards through the body and above the head. It was quite an uneasy sensation. My colleague had similar experience. There was no doubt that something was going on which affected the body sufficiently to cause a sensation. Tests with several other people revealed similar observations.
At the time I had been introduced to a detector which had been produced by the De La Warr Psychic Laboratory in Oxford. This detector is similar in operation to the simple pendulum used in dowsing. My colleague and I used it to make further studies about our new found discoveries. We enquired whether slave labour was used to build the pyramids. The answer was a definite “no”. The response was that they were built using psychic powers – magnetic in nature. Were they built as tombs for the Egyptian Pharaohs? Again the answer was a definite “no”. There was an affirmative response when we asked if they had been power houses for energy. We tried to determine the age of the Giza Pyramids. There are three pyramids in the Giza group. Two dates came up which were 250,000 years and 80,000 years ago [Refs 5 & 6]. Modern carbon dating place these pyramids to be 3500 years old so there is a massive discrepancy in the age of these giant monuments.
By this time sufficient interest had been aroused in my mind to investigate further to uncover the mystery of the pyramids. First I wanted to build a large enough model so I could get inside it to carry out experiments. A visit to the Giza Pyramids would be most educational. Thus plans had already been drawn up in my mind as to what I needed to do to take the matter further.
3.0 Derby Pyramid

At the end of 1966, I had completed my post-graduate work at Imperial College in London. Following that I had obtained work with the British Railways Research in Derby where I settled down. Then I waited for my plans to unfold as time went by.
As a bachelor I had a modest dwelling of a rented bed-sitter in a terraced house on Burton Road in Derby. By the summer of 1969, an additional small room in the attic, had become vacant which I managed to procure. There was now an opportunity to build a large model of the pyramid as I had planned some years before. The room was rectangular in plan-form and had a sloping ceiling at about 45 degrees. There was a large bed in it which meant that the space available to build the model was restricted. As the walls of the room were not placed north-south then that made the model even smaller. Finally I settled on a base of 5 feet square with a vertical height of 38.2 inches. This was a fairly small pyramid but under the circumstances the best that could be accommodated.
To allow a person to get inside the pyramid I decided to rest its four corners using empty boxes. A door opening would have complicated the design and disturbed the smooth outer faces. From previous experience we had discovered that it takes time for the pyramid to attract the energies. Therefore a door opening would have upset the power characteristics and the idea was dropped. Another criteria employed was to build the model in two halves. An upper stage would be a smaller pyramid in its own right which would sit on a truncated lower base. This would ease movement if it was required to move it out of the room and also it could be misaligned and put out of operation by removing the upper stage.

Fig. 3.0.1 : Details of room in the attic showing position of the model pyramid.

Fig. 3.0.2 : The upper and lower stages of the Derby Pyramid.
The choice of materials was fairly straight forward. It would be a timber construction throughout with no metals used. I later discovered that the actual materials used do not matter that much. The main frames consisting of the outer inclined members and the three square bases were made from beech wood and the faces covered with thin plywood. Having done wood work course at The Technical High School in Nairobi, Kenya, I applied my skills to construct the model with two or three of my colleague friends helping to finish the task. All the corners and joints were located accurately using wooden pegs and reinforced with triangular blocks. It was necessary to maintain a very high degree of geometric tolerances to ensure that the final model was to the exact dimensions. That presented some very interesting challenges which were overcome with patience and compromise especially in the ridiculous environment we were operating. Fortunately, the landlady did not quiz what I was up to so that helped matters. It took us one month to finish the task working evenings and all weekends.

Fig. 3.0.3 : Overall dimensions of model and details of timber sections used.

Fig. 3.0.4 : Fabrication of the skeletal of the lower base.

Fig. 3.0.5 : Completed lower base.

Fig. 3.0.6 : Author, Natu Patel finishing the final stage of the upper section.

Fig. 3.0.7 : Both lower and upper sections completed.

Fig. 3.0.8 : The assembled model.

Fig. 3.0.9 : Final Derby Pyramid model on raised supports.
Similar to the time I was meddling with the cardboard pyramid in London some years before, presently, my mind was super active, to say the least. There was undoubtedly a tremendous disturbance in the whole house which one could sense easily. Every night I went to bed and closed my eyes, moving images in vivid colours passed through my mind. If I had tried to create those images in my mind’s eyes I would not have succeeded. It was like watching a movie in colour at a cinema with amazing clarity. I had no control over those moving images so all I could do was just watch. At times there were massive explosions and turmoil as if some kind of war was going on. All I could put it down to was that I was possibly tuning in to the so called “Akashic” records which hold all the events etched into the mind-belt of the Earth, according to mystics and yoga practitioners. Personal experiences such as these are not easy to erase or ignore from mind and eventually leads one to realise that yoga is not just theory but a very practical science which is provable by constant and ardent practice. My very limited experience was beginning to open up new corridors of investigation and further research.
Towards the end of the construction of the “Derby Pyramid”, as we very just fixing the last triangular plywood sheet in place on the upper stage of the model, suddenly the whole entity seemed to come alive like a huge living machine and my colleague and I rushed out of the attic room in a hurry. Slowly we crept back in the room and dismantled the pyramid. My colleague insisted that we should go and see Doctor George King immediately as he was on a visit to England at the time and staying in London. Arrangements were made hurriedly to go and see him at the weekend.
It turned out to be the most amazing encounter with a living master by the name of “Doctor George King”. He did not wear any fancy garments or robes but was dressed in ordinary suit. Within minutes of coming face to face with him it was obvious that we were dealing with a man who was a specialist on “Shape Power” and “Radionics”. He had been entrusted with the task of reintroducing these great forgotten sciences back to the human race as we enter the Aquarian Age which is the age of “True Science”.
We out-lined details of what we had constructed and reasons for doing what we had. In response Doctor King was surprised to discover that we had constructed something as large as the Derby Pyramid. He stated that the problem was that of being able to handle the energies attracted by it. The four-sided pyramid of Giza does not have what may be termed ‘discriminatory properties’. In other words, it will attract energies within a very wide range of frequencies. He wanted to know details of the nature of the building in which the model was housed, the shape of the room, its size and orientation, other residents in the house, the type of neighbourhood, the nature of the City of Derby and its geographical position and so on. He estimated that the model would affect the people living in the house and if left aligned for any length of time then it would start affecting people in the neighbourhood. It would start attracting peoples’ thoughts if they vibrated within a certain frequency range, as well as concentrating peoples’ higher spiritual thoughts. Such an amalgamation of energies with wide motive would be very difficult to sift so that only the higher frequencies of energy were left to use in any constructive spiritual way. Only an adept with strict mental control could hope to achieve success in such a task!
The four-sided pyramid is not a suitable shape to use in experiments today. It performed correctly when it was built a very long time ago when the natural energy flow was quite different on the planet to what it is today. Those people who wish to do tests should build very small models. The apparatus should be stored upside down when not in use.
The original pyramids of Giza were built a long time ago and had therefore already established a definite position and characteristics for themselves on the surface of earth [Refs 7, 8 & 9]. A vital link exists between those structures and the Stone Circle at Avesbury in England. For the model pyramid in Derby to work correctly it would need a certain subtle link with the Great Pyramid. That unusual statement was corroborated the following year after I had visited the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Doctor King feared that the model may work just a bit too well and would thus need very careful handling under a person who could manipulate the type of energy attracted by it. He further emphasised that if copper coils of the right size and shape were placed inside, at the correct locations, then the energy potential could be enhanced by thousands of times.
Another matter of considerable concern is the four-sided pyramid’s natural tendency to attract radio-activity which makes the device potentially dangerous. Already the excessive amount of fall-out around the planet from past nuclear explosions as well as steady leaks from nuclear power stations and so on means that there is a sizable amount of this energy floating around. The four-sided pyramid will attract that energy like a magnet. Doctor King’s recommendation for experimentation in modern times is to play around with three-sided pyramids.
During the course of our conversation Doctor King maintained that although we had made some mistakes we had also learned a lot about shape power which is a new emerging science. It was clear from this encounter that there sat a genius on the science of shape power and the only thing that was stopping him from revealing the inner secrets of the pyramids was the ignorance of humanity which did not allow the master to over-step the karmic limitations.
An unusual question Doctor King asked was the time we had spent on the whole project. He intimated that he would like to come to Derby to examine the model and observe its characteristics. I was delighted to hear that he was prepared to travel to Derby to see the pyramid for himself. He enquired how far Derby was from London and the best way to get there. After that we discussed one or two other matters which needed clarification. Towards the end of our visit I felt that fairly soon I would be travelling to Egypt to spend some time investigating the Giza Pyramids as well as travelling further south to Kenya where I was to undertake another important spiritual project.
After returning from London we set about to finish off all the outstanding work on the pyramid and generally getting the place tidied up for Doctor King’s visit. One evening after everything had been prepared, I went out to make a telephone call to London to say that everything was ready for Doctor King to visit whenever he wished. My colleague helping me in the project had gone home. A resident in the house who occasionally came up to see what we were up to had offered that evening to hoover up the staircase and floor leading up to the attic room where the pyramid was housed.
I must have been away from the premises for about fifteen minutes to make the telephone call when something most unusual happened in the house which I came to know about sometime later. After I had waited for three weeks to hear from London, I grew a little apprehensive as nothing had happened with regards to Doctor King’s planned visit to Derby. One day in conversation with the resident in question, I mentioned to him that I had not heard any more about the expected visit. Much to my utter shock, in a very cold tone, the resident told me that Doctor King would not be visiting Derby. In a puzzled state of mind I asked him how he knew that. It was not as if he was interested in what we were doing or had any links with the society I was associated with. Reluctantly, he spoke of an incident that had occurred when I had gone out to make that telephone call to London. So shocked was he with what had happened that he decided to keep it absolutely quiet because people would have thought that he had gone insane.
That evening when I had gone out of the house to make the telephone call to London, the resident was merrily cleaning the staircase which led up to the attic room. During the course of this he heard some footsteps and saw the shadow of someone coming down the staircase.
That was rather strange as he knew that there was nobody in the pyramid room. As it was a very narrow staircase he retreated to make way for whoever was coming down. He hurriedly picked up the vacuum cleaner and stood a few feet away from the end of the staircase. Shortly, a tall figure, well built and full of energy appeared and stopped half-way down the stairs. He wore a short-sleeved shirt and an old fashioned pair of trousers. He had receding hair and a very strong complexion. He spoke the following words : “I came to see the apparatus. I have seen it”. Then without warning he simply vanished into the thin air! So shocked was the resident at what he had just witnessed that he decided not to utter a word about it to anyone. Over the ensuing weeks he was in turmoil as to what had really taken place.
I knew the resident well enough to know that he was not lying. After all what did he have to gain. If anything he had everything to lose. I questioned him further to gain more details about the visitation. Naturally I was very excited because I could appreciate the significance of the incident and the manner in which it had manifested. From the description there was little doubt in my mind that the strange visitor was no other than Doctor King himself. At the time he was on a visit to Scotland. The conditions must have been right for him to project from where he was to my modest dwelling in Derby to carry out his investigation. This is one of the very rare occasions when he demonstrated his abilities in such an open manner thereby proving his abilities in the yogic field. A few days later I wrote a short letter to Doctor King siting what had taken place at my bed-sitter in Derby. My letter was published in the society’s journal for all to read.
The unusual visitation by Doctor George King proves beyond all doubt the yogic abilities of the great man. Such demonstrations, although rare and never ever believed by the mass of humanity have taken place throughout history. Yogananda, in his book entitled “Autobiography of a Yogi” [Ref 4] sites several occasions when such occurrences took place in his own lifetime. Doctor George King when he was first contacted by higher forces in May 1954 had a similar encounter. He said that following a voice which came from the ethers, a few days later, whilst he was in his small apartment in London, a very prominent yogi master who lived in the lofty Himalayas walked straight through his locked door and sat down on a chair opposite him. The master gave Doctor King some advice and instructions and then he rose up from the chair and walked straight out through the locked door. In a hurried reaction Doctor King opened the door but the corridor beyond was empty. The master had simply disappeared into the thin air.
Many years later I learnt that the Indian Yogi Master who had visited Doctor King in London was no other than one who had written many books on Yoga some of which I had read and followed mainly from advice and guidance I had received from my uncle in Nairobi. It is indeed a small world.
Following that unusual visit by Doctor King, my colleague and I had noticed that generally the atmosphere in the building was calmer and there was definitely much less disturbance. It would appear that Doctor King had carried out some mopping operation to clean up the whole area. Doctor King had stated that the shape and orientation of the room would align the natural magnetic lines of force in a certain way. When the Derby Pyramid was set up it would try to re-orientate those energies in a different way. So there would be a conflict between the shape characteristics of the model and the room enclosure. But as the pyramid is the stronger shape it would over-power all other opposition. It was this conflict in energies which charged up the local atmosphere which was felt by anyone in the vicinity of the model. If the pyramid was set up in open country or moorland then such interaction would cease and a more passive atmosphere would pervade taking a considerable more time to pull the energies together.
The resident who had seen the materialisation of Doctor King in the house appeared to be quite sensitive. He claimed that on several occasions he saw different people often clothed in robes who had come to the house to view the unusual apparatus. So there was interest from intelligences from different levels of existence drawn to our site to observe and possibly carry out their own assessment. The fact that Doctor King had been involved meant that news of his visit must have travelled far and wide throughout the planet. This goes to prove the point that any effort that we ordinary humans do to search for truth has wide implications. The searcher may not realise at the time but the effort employed by him can be used by higher intelligences to bring about greater results for humanity at large. The following year after I had visited the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, Doctor King wrote an article about the Derby Pyramid and followed it by giving quite detailed information on the science of “Shape Power” and “Radionics”. I am of the opinion that this text will form the basis of further research in the growth and development of these great and profound sciences.
4.0 Visit to the Giza Pyramids in Egypt
The reason for visiting the Giza Pyramids in Egypt was multi-fold. I wanted to examine the structures and tune in to the environment to pick up their hidden mysteries. I had read about several investigators who had been there and had fascinating experiences [Ref 10]. Among one of the things I wanted to do was to spend some time inside the Great Pyramid by myself to tune in to the silence which pervades there. Through The Aetherius Society I had already been introduced to the great science of sound vibration known as “Mantra” yoga [Ref 11]. In particular I wanted to recite the most significant of those which is referred to as the A-U-M mantra. As I was not particularly interested in Egyptian history, I was able to break my journey for a few days in Cairo on my way to visit my family in Kenya. The travel would commence in early February 1970 which being winter would be cooler and more comfortable.
As my stay was just three days in Cairo it was necessary to prepare myself as much as possible before departure. There was a lot of experience to compress in three days. To implement that I had light diet, avoiding meat and had plenty of rest. I intensified all my spiritual practices. I flew with Egyptian Airlines from London to Cairo. Some folks I met on the flight suggested that I should stop over at the famous Mena House Hotel which was just a short distance from the Giza Pyramids. We landed at Cairo Airport in the early hours of the morning and I took a taxi straight to the hotel. I had a brief glimpse of the pyramids in the distance from the hotel. From there they appeared to be a pile of bricks all stacked together to form the pyramid shape. First though I had to get some rest and catch up on sleep.

Fig 4.0.1 : Photo of the Giza Pyramids from the air. The three pyramids are seen just left off the centre.

Fig. 4.0.2 : The Giza Pyramids seen from the lush green Nile Valley.
After a light shower and breakfast, it was time to commence my adventure. It was a lovely day with the sun quite high up but not too bright being winter. I was then introduced to a guide and advised by the hoteliers to use him so that I could be taken round the sights without being pestered by locals for a camel ride! That was a very useful tip.
The Giza Pyramids are among the eighty or so to be found in Egypt [Ref 12]. In almost all cases they lie on the edge of the desert west of the River Nile and usually along it. In contrast the South American Pyramids are covered in thick vegetation and thus tend to disappear in the background. The Egyptian Pyramids are much better preserved and stand more markedly against the desert panorama. That is probably the reason why they have attracted so much attention. The immense size and uncanny accuracy of these structures is proof enough that their builders, whoever they were, must have known exactly what they were doing.
The Giza Pyramids which are the largest in Egypt have aroused the interest of archaeologists and mystics alike over several centuries. No structure has been so meticulously measured, researched and written about than the Great Pyramid. Even the very basic geometry, proportions and their relationship with the planet is enough for any open-minded person to be amazed by the findings. The pyramids at Giza derive their name from the neighbourhood in which they are set. They lie about eight miles south of Cairo and five miles west of the River Nile. The three pyramids in the group lie on the edge of the desert close to the green lush Nile valley. An interesting fact is that if a longitude is drawn through the apex of the Great Pyramid then the land area over the surface of the Earth to the east is equal to the land area lying to the west of that line. Thus the monument divides the land and the ocean in two equal halves.

Fig. 4.0.3 : Plan view of the Giza Pyramids.

Fig. 4.0.4 : The Giza Pyramids seen from the desert. From left to right the Pyramid of “Mycerinus”, “Chephren” and “Cheops” or the “Great Pyramid”.
There are three pyramids in the Giza group. The smallest one is called “Mycerinus”, the one in the middle is “Chephren” and the largest one is the “Great Pyramid” or “Cheops”. All of them have square bases with their sides aligned with the north-south. They are placed roughly along a north-east line separated by approximately seven hundred feet. The Pyramid of Mycerinus has a base of 356 feet and a height of 204 feet. The Pyramid of Chephren, which retains a substantial portion of the casing stone near the apex, has a base of 690 feet and a height of 447 feet. The Great Pyramid has a base of 755 feet and a height of 450 feet. The pyramid faces incline at approximately 52 degrees to the horizontal which is the standard angle of incline of most pyramids in Egypt.
The majestic structures are built on a flat plateau on the edge of the desert not far from the green lush Nile valley. Even the ravages of time with fierce sand storms and earthquakes down through the ages has not disrupted much their geometric finesse. The desert setting, the strange shape leave little doubt in one’s mind that there is a lot more to these monuments than meets the eye. A major issue conveniently ignored by historians and archaeologists is the significance of the pyramid shape itself. It is only in modern times that some light has been shed by the more unorthodox occult investigators [Refs 13, 14 & 15].

Fig. 4.0.5 : The Pyramid of Chephren and the Great Pyramid lying on the flat plateau.
As we enter the Aquarian Age everything will be treated as a science. As the ancient science of Shape Power is being re-introduced greater interest in the pyramids will be noted. Already much research and investigation carried out by different unorthodox pioneers is substantiating what the mystics have been saying for decades. It is maintained that the Giza Pyramids were introduced by extra-terrestrials in the days of Atlantis and even before. Unfortunately that civilisation was destroyed by atomic war one hundred thousand years ago. The main function of the pyramids was to stabilise subtle energies around the Earth thus creating a near perfect environment. A secondary function was to provide initiation chambers for those students of metaphysics who had reached certain stage in their development and were ready for higher experiences. Despite the blunt apices and lack of casing stones on the outer surfaces, the pyramids still draw some power today which can be felt.
According to archaeologists, who base their conclusions on fragments of finds pieced together with much guess-work, the pyramids were built as tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs about four thousand years ago. Whilst it is true that some of the more basic ones were built by them by which time the original purpose and knowledge of shape power was lost, that does not apply to the Giza Pyramids. For example, none of the three pyramids contain any hieroglyphics. The mummies of the dead pharaohs for whom the pyramids were supposedly built were never discovered. The Egyptians did know of the special properties of preservation which the pyramids had and which have been verified in tests in recent years. They used this knowledge to mummify the dead pharaoh so that he could continue to exercise some control over his kingdom. This was a prostitution of a very ancient and sacred science and unfortunately a lot of black magic became associated with these monuments. Some of the interference experienced by archaeologists in past decades may be attributed to that.
4.1 The Sphinx
The entire area around the Pyramids is covered with underground chambers and ancient ruins, very likely to be the work of the late Egyptians, who according to mystics are a very modern race of people. New chambers are being uncovered day by day, but most of these discoveries are only of minor interest to archaeologists who are still trying to fathom the mystery of the pyramid. One structure which defies this mass of confusion is the giant Sphinx. It too, like the pyramids, stands bold and seems to be strongly connected with them.
When viewed, the face of the Sphinx with the Great Pyramid in the background is a potent sight. The colossus measures about 240 feet, in length, 66 feet, in height and the maximum width of the face is over 13 feet. The Sphinx is regarded as the guardian angel of the Pyramids, and is believed to be as old as the ancient monuments [Ref 14]. It lies east-west with its head facing east, thereby denoting some link with the Sun. The sad, but firm face casts a shadow of mystery. The head of a man, and the body of a lion, seems to depict something deep within our consciousness. Even among travellers, most of whom are not so impressed by the simplicity of the Pyramids, the Sphinx seems to attract and impress all people.

Fig. 4.1.1 : The Sphinx with the Great Pyramid in the background.
The Sphinx which lies in a depression below ground level, has been covered with sand, and has had to be cleared many times in the past. The completed structure with the smoothness of a lion’s body, and the head of a man would have been a sight to behold. To those who can think, the glory of Atlantis must surely surpass our own civilisation today, with its feeble shaky environment and the lack of spiritual conviction within peoples’ hearts. Atlantis, which was a vast continent, presently covered by the Atlantic Ocean, and not a small island in the Atlantic as was believed by Plato, existed over 100,000 years ago, and was destroyed through atomic war. Extra-terrestrials operated openly in the days of Atlantis. It was they who re-introduced the science of shape power to earth [Ref 17]. Unfortunately, the civilisation was split into three different camps [Ref 7]. On the one hand were the white magicians who were quite advanced and co-operated with the space visitors. On the other hand were the black magicians who had invented a controllable atomic missile known as the “Indra’s Dart” and other powerful atomic devices. The third camp was the uncaring humanity at large too engrossed in its own small world of self-indulgence to bother about anything. Although the black magicians were advised by higher intelligences to stay clear of nuclear energy they took no notice. Prior to the atomic destruction, five large space-craft known as the “Cities of Shan” did land and evacuated the white magicians. An atomic war raged among the dark forces who died horribly in the struggle. Down sank the continent of Atlantis beneath the mighty waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
If Atlantis fell despite its sophistication then, what of us today? Space Intelligences from other planets in this Solar System are even today warning man of his folly, and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Such knowledge and wisdom has come through the late Doctor George King, who acted as a mental channel of reception of the cosmic forces [Ref 9]. It is the function of The Aetherius Society set up by him to propagate the higher truths to all men and women throughout the world.

Fig. 4.1.2 : The majestic setting of the Sphinx with Chephren in the background.
4.2 Pyramid of Mycerinus
The Pyramid of Mycerinus, the smallest one in the Giza group, has three partially completed subsidiary pyramids along its south face. The pyramid itself measures 356 feet square at the base and rises to a height of 204 feet; when complete it was 14 feet higher. The stone structure is almost as well preserved as in the Great Pyramid. At the time of my visit assess to the interior was not possible as there was repair work in progress.

Fig. 4.2.1 : Dimensions and interior details of the Pyramid of Mycerinus.

Fig. 4.2.2 : The Pyramid of Mycerinus viewed from the south.
4.3 Pyramid of Chephren
The second pyramid in the group – Chephren is probably the most attractive of the three as it retains a substantial portion of the outer casing stone near its apex. The remains of the casing stone gives one a small glimpse of what the monument must have looked like when completely smooth and pointed at the apex. It would indeed be a sight to behold. The pyramid measures 690 feet square at the base currently but was originally 708 feet square. Its present height is 447 feet – originally it rose to a height of 471 feet and was thus 10 feet lower than the Great Pyramid. The enormous size of these structures is appreciated when they are viewed from a distance and there are people or motor cars standing close to them. For instance, the capstone on Chephren would measure 25 feet in height with a base of 35 feet square. Despite the fact that the capstone is missing and the outer surfaces are anything but smooth they still attract some power. In recent years some startling observations have been noted by scientists thus confirming some of the views expressed by mystics.

Fig. 4.3.1 : Dimensions and interior details of the Pyramid of Chephren.

Fig. 4.3.2 : The Pyramid of Chephren.
As no chambers have been discovered in the main core of the pyramid of Chephren, as for example, in the Great Pyramid, a team of researchers at the Ein Shams University in Cairo embarked in 1968 on a million dollar project to X-ray the structure. The experimental data was gathered over a year and later processed on an IBM 1130 computer. Much to the embarrassment of the investigators they noted that inconsistent results were being logged. For instance, results taken one day bore no correlation to those taken a short while later whilst still maintaining the same laboratory conditions. At the conclusion of the project, the largest jumble of confused data was generated which could not be processed. In early July 1969, Doctor Gohad, in charge of the computer installation made a startling report to “The Times” newspaper in London. He stated that whatever was happening in the pyramid defied all the known laws of science and electronics. Similar tests were repeated in 1972 which merely confirmed previous findings. Other observations have been made by two Czechoslovakian scientists who transmitted high frequency electronic beams over reduced models of the pyramid. They discovered that their results were different every time the experiment was performed although laboratory conditions were maintained constant. It would appear that basic energies being used in the various tests was being interfered by some other unknown forces. Since that time many other alternative techniques have been employed and there is indication that there may be more chambers both in this pyramid and the Great Pyramid.
The Pyramid of Chephren is built on a flat plateau of paving stones slightly above that of the Great Pyramid. There are two entrances in the north face. One of them is in the face itself, 50 feet above the ground level. The other one lies directly below it which is cut through the rock foundation of the surrounding pavement. Both the entrances are situated at a distance of about 41 feet to the east of the pyramid’s main north-south axis.

Fig. 4.3.3 : Some friendly Egyptian students Natu Patel met at the site.

Fig. 4.3.4 : The enormous size of the Pyramid is appreciated when there are people or vehicles standing close to it.

Fig. 4.3.5 : The Pyramid of Chephren with the Great Pyramid to the right.
Access to the interior is gained through the lower entrance. The corridor is completely hewn out of rock and descends at a gradient of 22 degrees for about 100 feet where it becomes horizontal. At the far end it rises steeply to emerge in the floor of the horizontal section of the upper corridor. In the east wall, to the left, is a recess and on the opposite side lies a sloping passage which leads down to a chamber. The smaller rectangular chamber lies east/west and contains nothing. The lower corridor emerges in the floor of the horizontal section of the upper corridor. The upper entrance which lies in the north face descends at 26 degrees through the core of the structure until it enters the rock where it becomes horizontal. It continues on a level plane and terminates in a chamber almost vertically below the apex of the pyramid.

Fig. 4.3.6 : Lower corridor leading to the chamber in the basement.

Fig. 4.3.7 : Interior of the chamber in the basement.
The larger chamber has been entirely hewn out of rock except for the pointed gable roof which consists of limestone slabs laid at the same angle as the faces of the pyramid. Near the west wall lies a fine rectangular sarcophagus of polished granite which has been let in the floor up to the level of its lid. It lies north/south. No trace of Chephren’s body was ever discovered, which according to archaeologists, was the Egyptian Pharoah for whom the pyramid was built.

Fig. 4.3.8 : Sarcophagus in the main chamber of the Pyramid of Chephren.
The corridors and passages in Chephren are of normal height for a person to walk upright, unlike in the Great Pyramid where the dimensions vary and in some sections one has to bend down to get through them. Over the decades nearly all investigators have concentrated on the Great Pyramid and yet Chephren is of comparable size to the former. My own reaction in this respect was similar, probably, influenced by what I had read and heard previously. When I was inside that pyramid, I was escorted by my guide who told me about its past history. Naturally his presence influenced my capacity to perceive anything deeper. However, in reality its interior could not be compared with that of Cheops as time would tell. On several occasions I tried to gain rapport with that pyramid but without success and felt that its mysteries must remain locked until the right time. It is quite possible that Chephren is somehow linked with the Planet Earth herself.
4.4 The Great Pyramid “Cheops”
The best preserved Pyramid in the world – Cheops or the Great Pyramid, has attracted the attention of mystics and archaeologists alike. No structure has been so exhaustively measured and written about as this Pyramid. Its measurements and angles represent remarkable engineering feats, even by modern standards. Measurements taken today must through necessity involve extrapolation since the structure does not retain its original shape, but even after allowance has been made, the accuracy found is staggering. Built on a plateau, which is almost flat, the largest error being less than 5 inches in over 750 feet, the Pyramid retains the best in terms of preservation and size of structure left from the ancient past.
The Pyramid has a square base of average dimensions of 755 feet; the largest error found in present day measurements between any two sides is less than 8 inches. The sides lie in line with true north and south, or east and west. The largest error being 5 minutes of arc between any of the four angles formed by the base. Its present height is 450 feet; originally it rose to a height of 481 feet. The four faces incline at an angle of about 51º - 52' to the ground. The area covered by its base is 13.1 acres. The last 31 feet, of capstone with a base of about 45 feet, square is missing, seems to point to the fact that it might have been purposely removed to make the Pyramid ineffective.

Fig. 4.4.1 : The Great Pyramid viewed from the south.

Fig. 4.4.2 : Dimensions and interior details of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
When viewed from a distance, the well preserved stone structure creates the impression of a stack of bricks piled on top of each other to form a Pyramid shape. However, each one of these stones is in reality a massive slab of average dimensions 4 feet, cubed and weighing about 2½ tons. The main core of the Pyramid is made from rectangular slabs of limestone; altogether there are believed to be 2,300,000 such slabs in the whole Pyramid. If the slabs were sawn into cubes of 1 foot, and placed in a row, they would cover a distance of some 16,000 miles. The casing stone of tura-limestone was purposely removed by the locals when there was a shortage of stones after an earthquake. The whole Pyramid might have been badly damaged had it not been for the difficulty of un-wedging stones from the ancient giant.

Fig. 4.4.3 : The stone masonry of the Great Pyramid.
It is possible to climb to the top of the Pyramid but quite dangerous if one is not experienced. Only the locals are allowed to climb, because some years before there had been some fatal accidents involving tourists. The safest way is to climb along the south-east edge and descend along the north-east edge. Even then it is hazardous, because the slabs are fairly smooth and therefore difficult to obtain a proper hand or foot hold. One has to crawl over a height of 3 to 4 feet which is not too difficult going up but precarious when descending. If there are people going up the Pyramid they appear as ants. In my case, as I did not consider myself to be a tourist, I made arrangement with a local youngster to take me up the pyramid in the evening so that we would not be detected and caught! We had to go up bare-footed to avoid slipping. Although there was a dull moon in the sky we had to climb rapidly to ensure we came down whilst there was still some light available. Eventually when we reached the top I was quite surprised to note the flat smooth top as if the apex had been deliberately sliced off with an immense sharp implement. It seemed to confirm the belief of some researchers that there was large pyramid which lay there forming the capstone. It was made of crystalline copper. It was removed by the operators when they had foreseen the possible misuse of these cosmic machines. The highlight of the climb was to view the Pyramid of Chephren from that high elevation to feel its awesome power when it was active in the distant past. The climb down was a nightmare as powerful multi-coloured lights began to come on and off as part of the evening talk held in a large open arena about a mile away. By some miracle I managed to get down in one piece!

Fig. 4.4.4 : The slab structure at close range. Each block is two and a half tons in weight.
At close range the stone masonry is truly overwhelming . The size of slabs and the number of blocks involved is so enormous that it is difficult swallow the traditional belief that these structures could ever have been built using slave labour. However the majority of us are quite happy to accept conclusions drawn by learned people who we think know best. It is interesting to note that although the slabs themselves are unequal in size, they are of the same height so that each course forms a flat smooth surface for the next course above it. The stone structure in the north face is probably the best preserved. It is here that the stone masonry is at its best and the gaps between stones could well be within 1/50th of an inch provided that a well preserved area can be found. There appears to be a very fine layer of some type of a bonding medium between the joints. Such accuracy would be essential to guarantee the overall perfection of the finished product.

Fig. 4.4.5 : Natu Patel examining the stone masonry.
The task of a student of metaphysics when he (or she) visits these ancient monuments can be quite varied, but in almost all cases the student will concentrate his efforts on the subtle aspects, and not so much on the physical, as for example, an archaeologist will do. Today, upon Earth, most people only know of the existence of the five known senses which enable them to understand the world around them. The metaphysician has always known better that there is a higher sense which can be developed in all people, but for most part his knowledge has been ignored by the majority. Over the past few decades these secret sciences are coming out more into the open. In recent years, the ability to ‘see’ as it were with a sixth sense is beginning to be accepted under the guise of ‘extra-sensory perception’ [Ref 16].
The metaphysician tells us that besides the physical body which we can see with our eyes, there are higher bodies which can only be seen by people who are psychic. Within these so called ‘auric bodies’ lie certain flood-gates of subtle energy known as ‘psychic centres’ which are only partially open in the majority of the human race. The opening of these gates would lead humanity from its materialistic prison into vast spiritual experiences. Some of the feats of “Superman”, which we regard as pure fantasy, may not be as far-fetched as we might imagine! These centres can be opened through the practice of the ancient science of Yoga. There are many paths available to the aspirant to achieve his goal to sensitise himself for higher experiences.
The wonderful psychic environment of the Great Pyramid had moved me greatly. It was pleasant to sit in the shade of the aura of this mighty Temple. The years of rushing around in a half crazed world seemed so futile, compared to the cool loving vibrations I felt there. No wonder that mystics of the past and present always remarked about the peaceful loving emanations from the Great Pyramid. A feeling of restfulness which I had never had before became a living reality. It was like sitting at the feet of a holy Master, whence forth flow the emanations of inspiration and wisdom. Perhaps in those distant days, when the Pyramid was a shining light for humanity upon Earth, men would weep at the sheer magnitude and wonder of this mighty temple, whose subtle emanations would penetrate deep into the hearts of all those who came into its embrace.
In the short time that I had been there I had already felt a strong affinity with the ancient monument. It was like coming home to an old trusted friend. Distant memories of past connections flowed through my mind as I felt I had been there many times before. There was also a strange and deeply sad paradox which questioned why I had come back to it. To sit at the base of the stone giant was to experience its amazing aura which left me cold inside. For here indeed was the saddest of all monuments – a dead temple brought about by the stupidity of humanity in the distant past. And in contrast I became aware of the mighty rays of uplifting energies which travelled from there right round the planet to generate a near perfect environment in its heydays.

Fig. 4.4.6 : The Egyptian guide standing at the northern face of the Great Pyramid.
Back to the Great Pyramid and my task at hand. The true entrance lies at a height of 55 feet, measured vertically above ground level and is situated about 24 feet east of the Pyramid’s north-south axis. Although I was about to proceed to have a look at it, something stopped me from going further. From that entrance, a corridor measuring 3 feet 5 inches in width and 3 feet 11 inches in height descends at a gradient of 26º first through the core of the Pyramid, and then through the rock. At a distance of about 345 feet from the entrance, it becomes horizontal and continues for a further 29 feet before terminating in a chamber.

Fig. 4.4.7 : True entrance in the northern face of the Great Pyramid.
Another entrance about 20 feet, above ground level, now serves as an access to the interior. This passage was cut by a Caliph Al Mamoun in the ninth century AD, who thought that the Pyramid had hidden treasures inside. So hard was the rock, that his men had to heat up the stones by fires and when the stones became hot, they flung cold vinegar upon them until they cracked. Such an operation cost almost the entire fortune of the Caliph and eventually when his men did get inside, they were disappointed because they found absolutely nothing. If it nearly cost the whole fortune to dig a short passage through the Pyramid, how much effort would it have taken a Pharaoh to build the whole Pyramid using slave labour? The blackened charred surfaces of blocks are left from those days. The passage continues horizontally for about 100 feet, through the core of the Pyramid, and joins at the junction of the ascending and the descending corridors.

Fig. 4.4.8 : Passage cut by Caliph Al Mamoun’s men.

Fig. 4.4.9 : At the junction of the Ascending and Descending corridors.
The descending corridor which comes from the north face continues downwards to the chamber about 200 feet below ground level, and almost vertically below the apex of the Pyramid. An iron grille bars the way to that chamber, which is no longer open to the public. Currently, a curved staircase joins up to the ascending corridor which leads to the Queen’s chamber and the famous King’s chamber, about which so much has been written.

Fig. 4.4.10 : The Ascending corridor.
A few steps up the stairs brought me to the start of the ascending corridor. The shaft was so long and narrow that I wondered what lay ahead. It was hard to believe that the years of waiting was at long last manifesting right in front of me. The corridor which has the same measurements as the descending corridor, namely 3 feet 5 inches wide and 3 feet 11 inches high, is about 129 feet in length and inclines upwards at 26º to the horizontal. I was already beginning to feel the cool peaceful environment of the Pyramid and thoughts of the outside world were rapidly receding away from my memory, as if they had just been one long dream. Slowly I climbed up the corridor, forever receptive to any thoughts which may come along. By now something had happened to my brain. In one flash of thought I saw a vision of chambers containing all forms of machinery, and instinctively I realised that the Pyramid had been a vast machine, and was never meant to serve as a tomb chamber. Throughout my stay inside, the idea that the Pyramid had been a machine remained predominant in my mind.
Strangely enough I realised that the true reality were the space people who were strongly connected with this ancient giant.
At the upper end the narrow ascending corridor terminates to give way to the Grand Gallery. At the time of my visit the entrance to the Queen’s chamber was closed for repairs. From this entrance a horizontal tunnel continues for about 120 feet, and leads to the Queen’s chamber which lies exactly between the north and south faces of the Pyramid. Its measurements are 18 feet 10 inches from East to West, 17 feet 2 inches from North to South and it has a pointed roof which rises to a height of 20 feet 5 inches. As in the King’s chamber, there are two small apertures in the North and South walls from which shafts have been found to be over 200 feet, long.
Of all the chambers and corridors yet discovered within the Giza Pyramid complex, the Grand Gallery is the most unusual and breath-taking cavity. On either side lie two ramps on which wooden steps are provided, which lead to the King’s chamber at the top end. The Gallery inclines at the same angle as the ascending corridor and measures 153 feet in length and rises to a height of 28 ft. Its walls are corbel-sided so that at the base they are 6 feet 9 inches apart and there are seven courses with an inset of 3 inches per course so that the width of the corridor reduces to 3 feet 5 inches at the roof which is the same width as the ascending and descending corridors. Interestingly enough the channel between the ramps has also the same width. The roof too has an unusual setup; it is spanned by thin slabs each one being inclined at a slightly greater angle than the corridor, so that the lower end of it lies under the upper end of the slab below it; almost like an up-turned staircase.

Fig. 4.4.11 : View from the bottom of the Grand Gallery.
As I am fascinated by geometry and shapes the Grand Gallery left me spell-bound. I sat down to tune in to its magic. The narrow ascending corridor which suddenly enlarges to make way to the Grand Gallery, the corbel-sided walls, the two ramps, the channel in the centre, the peculiar roofing structure all culminated in my mind, as I looked along the long shaft to capture its aura. With time, dawned a feeling of expansion and freedom as if all inhibitions were drawn away from me. I began to lose contact with civilisation as I was overcome by its grandeur and majesty. Within the confines of the strange vault, which seemed to stretch to infinity itself, I saw a depiction of man’s long journey back to God. Masters had talked about such aspects, but to actually feel and know, beyond any shadow of any doubt, whatsoever, that despite all our surface trials and tribulations, there was a definite Path which would lead man back to the Creator Itself. For the first time in my life I began to recognise the true reality from the apparent which was but a dream, which the ancients referred to as “maya”. It is maya which we regard as the reality in our ignorance.
The next revelation was astounding and quite shocking. The whole of my life-span was reduced to a tiny film strip. A mental hand loaded it in a projector and it fell out of it as it was too short! It was picked up from the floor and re-loaded back in the projector. Words were not necessary as the short drama that had un-folded in my mind had proven that our life which we regard as long is indeed tiny compared to our infinite journey through evolution through the cosmos.

Fig. 4.4.12 : A diagrammatic view of the Grand Gallery.
If I could have frozen time I could have stayed in that place forever. For here there was silence that was unmatched anywhere on this planet. Thought of Planet Saturn were pre-dominant throughout. According to Doctor George King, who had received information from higher sources, the ancient science of “Shape Power” had come from that Planet and was introduced to Earth a long time ago [Ref 17]. As I dwelt upon these and other thoughts I realised that my visit to the Giza Pyramids was planned by greater minds than my own and I was under-going essential initiation and learning in whatever limited capacity that I could. But at the same time I knew that these experiences would live with me forever. Such is the power of an initiation which brings about a life-changing pattern in the growth of the student of truth.
As I dwelt on these and a thousand other thoughts I knew that the Gallery led to one of the most important chambers upon Earth. In the past, many had trodden that way, but only those with sufficient advancement could take the final steps to the chamber. Towards the upper end of the passage I sensed an accumulation of subtle energies. This made me realise that the builders of that temple had constructed the gallery in that precise way so as to prepare the mind of the initiate for experiences that would materialise in the King’s chamber. By this time the place appeared to be vaguely familiar as if I had been there before.
At the upper end of the Gallery the inclined ramps terminate on to a horizontal platform. The entrance to the Kings Chamber lies just a few feet away from the edge of the platform. The platform itself lies exactly vertically underneath the apex of the Pyramid. Many a writers have tried to give an interpretation of the comparison of measurements of corridors and chambers, but it is doubtful whether the true significance would be revealed as the Great Pyramid is so old and its age seals the real meaning of these measurements. Not only that but we are dealing with meta-sciences which are beyond the reach of humanity at its present stage of evolution.

Fig. 4.4.13 : A diagrammatic view of the upper end of the Grand Gallery.

Fig. 4.4.14 : At the upper end of the Grand Gallery.
The casual visitor would pass through the Grand Gallery, view the repair work and crude marks left by despoilers and remain totally un-inspired. The same visitor would be disappointed because there is hardly anything to see except the empty corridors and chambers. The beauty of the Pyramid is in the simplicity inherent within it.
To get inside the King’s Chamber, one has to bend down to get through the first low entrance, then there is an enlargement into a kind of ante-chamber, then bend down again to get through the second low entrance. Once more there was strong reluctance from within me to proceed any further as if I should not go inside that chamber.
Here again the simplicity of the Kings Chamber is striking. It is probably the most ancient chamber upon Earth. It measures 17 feet 2 inches from North to South, 34 feet 2 inches from east to west and it is 19 feet 1 inch in height. Near the West wall, stands the empty lidless rectangular Sarcophagus, made of black granite, and its longer sides are placed in line with true North and South. The ceiling of the chamber consists of nine slabs, each one weighing about 45 tons. When it is remembered that the ceiling is some 200 feet above ground level, the raising of such large and heavy blocks is a feat in itself. Above this flat ceiling there are five separate low compartments, the ceilings of the first four being flat, and the fifth having a pointed roof. There are no hieroglyphics whatsoever in any of the chambers of the Great Pyramid – the only mention of any writing appears in one of these compartments where someone had written, very crudely in red markings, the name of one of the Egyptian Pharaohs, whom the Greeks later named ‘Cheops.’ Archaeologists have used this information to deduce that this was the King for whom the Pyramid was built, but nowhere was the body ever found!

Fig. 4.4.15 : Cross-section of the Kings Chamber.
On the North and South walls, set about 3 feet, above the floor are two rectangular apertures from which narrow shafts lead to the outside of the Pyramid, but these openings have never been discovered. The apertures are 9 inches square in size. Air has been found to come through these inlets. Here again is an indication that the chamber was never meant as a tomb because the dead do not need to breathe.

Fig. 4.4.16 : In the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

Fig. 4.4.17 : The sarcophagus inside the King’s Chamber.
There were few visitors that afternoon, so after ensuring that there was nobody in the Grand Gallery, I came back to the chamber, sat down on a rock which lay behind the Sarcophagus, to commence my next unusual experiment. I was in familiar territory. The fear which had lingered on with me had disappeared entirely and a renewed confidence and courage had taken its place. Such confidence would have allowed me to spend a whole night by myself in that room. As I grew familiar to the environment, I became aware of a tangible peace which pervaded, and slowly as time passed, I became completely detached from the rest of the world. It was as if I had never known civilisation, and it was as far removed from me as would the far ends of the galaxy.
Just 400 feet from where I sat, lay the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but here ensued the perfect silence. So profound was this silence, that there are no words to describe this conscious living entity. The very silence I had searched for years, had been found right here upon Earth, as I felt closer to the principle of life itself. Although thoughts of people had vanished completely from my mind, one thought remained predominant that the Space People had been very strongly connected with the Pyramid. This was an unshakable truth that penetrated the whole of my mind, body and very soul. Is it any wonder that such thoughts should pervade my being when all others had evaporated.
I sat perfectly still, breathing deeply to calm myself, and also to try and tune into the aura of the Pyramid. The moment had arrived. I took a long deep breath and pierced the mighty silence by the notes of the most holy Mantra on Earth, the A-U-M. Back came the thunderous echo as if a superman sat above the Kings Chamber reciting the Mantra slightly after me. I intoned the Mantra a second time. In that fleeting moment as I finished, I opened my eyes in utter amazement. It was as if the very life of the whole Pyramid, that gigantic structure in whose midst I was but a tiny speck of nothingness, had suddenly become alive. The chamber no longer appeared dark and gloomy, but seemed to glow with life; unseen forces seemed to have been aroused. The chamber no longer seemed to be covered, but allowed the great light from the Sun to filter through.
As I continued, each recitation acted like nourishment to the very core of the ancient giant, which had waited for centuries to be fed with spiritual food. How tiny I felt as the great sound penetrated my whole being each time I heard it in the perfect tone. It was as if I had turned the key and the Pyramid had recited the sacred sound. The dream I had had four years before, when I had imagined myself reciting the Mantra inside the Great Pyramid had come true in every detail. All the effort I had expended in trying to go to Egypt seemed worth a million fold in the newly discovered experience of life.

Fig. 4.4.18 : The majestic Great Pyramid of Giza.
A vital experience was over – the essence of silence had been felt. Today, the Great Pyramid, despite its size, is like an empty shell, depicting the lost science of Shape Power. If the experience which I underwent was the greatest I had ever lived through, then what of the days when the giant was a working machine. In time to come when the New Age has fully dawned upon Earth, the science of Shape Power will be known and understood by all. In the meantime Doctor George King has already left plans to build a Temple with Shape Power in the future. Doctor King had the difficult task of the design of the shape of the Temple, as well as the radionic machinery which would be housed inside. The outer shape will draw the natural energies towards itself, and the radionic apparatus will be used for transmitting these energies outwards. So this will be no ordinary temple, because it will be more than just a place of worship – it will be a machine. Operators from the Temple will be able to pin-point energies to any spot upon Earth.
When the Temple becomes operational, it will be able to radiate great spiritual energies out to the whole world, so that all men and women will be helped to realise the deeper meaning of life. It will also provide healing energies for those who need it. The uplifting energies will begin to raise the spiritual awareness within people and those who prepare themselves for the great coming, will pass into the millennium of peace and joy into the New World. Another vital function of the Temple would be to act as a power stabilisation centre for the energies from the Mother Earth to be released bringing about a utopia on the surface of the Planet.
Natu Patel
Derby, England
11 August 2015
“Ramayana” translated by Scheinck. Published by J M Dent & Sons Ltd., London.
“Maha Bharata” translated by Scheinck. Published by J M Dent & Sons Ltd., London.
“Flying Saucers have Landed” by Desmond Leslie & George Adamski. Published by Werner Laurie.
“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramhansa Yogananda. Published by Rider & Company, 178-202 Great Portland Street, London W1.
“The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria” by George-Elliot. Published by The Theosophical Publishing House London Ltd., 68 Great Russell Street, London WC1.
“Chariots of The Gods” by Erich Von Daniken. Published by Souvenir Press Ltd., 95 Mortimer Street, London W1N 8HP.
“The Nine Freedoms” by Doctor George King. Published by The Aetherius Society, 757 Fulham Road, London SW6 5UU. Also The Aetherius Society, 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood, California 90028, USA.
“The Secret Doctrine” by H P Blavatsky. Published by The Theosophical Society.
“You Are responsible” by Doctor George King.
“Inside Secret Egypt” by Doctor Paul Brunton. Published by Rider and Company, 47 Princes Gate, London SW7.
“Realise Your Inner Potential” by Doctor George King.
“The Pyramids of Egypt” by I E S Edwards. Published by Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England.
“Earth Changes” by Edgar Cayce. Published by Virginia Beach, USA.
“Secret Places of the Lion” by George Hunt Williamson. Published by Neville Spearman, London.
“The Secret Powers of The Pyramids” by Bill Schul & Ed Pettit. Published by Coronet Books, Hodder Fawcett, London.
“Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain” by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. Published by Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.
“Life on The Planets” by Doctor George King.