Written by:
Natu Patel
Progression of a Cosmic Mission - New Yoga for a New Age
In 1966 Master George King started a new mission which he termed ‘Operation Sunbeam’. Its purpose was to give to the living breathing Mother Earth a small token of repayment of energy that humanity owes to her for providing a home to gain essential experience. This was not some hit and miss operation but an exact scientific task that required skills not available on Earth. To achieve that objective required a physical receptacle to be invented and built to store natural or spiritual energy. Then once that was achieved the next task was to be able to discharge that energy from the battery.
Considerable experience had been gained in previous operations which required spiritual energy to be directed through thousands of feet of sea water into a Psychic Centre of the Mother Earth which lay off the coast of California, USA. Operation Sunbeam required energy from a Holy Mountain to be collected and stored in a battery and then discharged in a precise manner into the Psychic Centre. Only a person of the calibre and experience of George King could have succeeded in performing a task of this magnitude. A short time after this task was completed it was stated by the Cosmic Forces of the Solar System that Operation Sunbeam was the greatest task being performed on Earth by any organisation. Thereafter the Mission continued successfully over the succeeding years.
By the early 1970’s Master George King felt that another major move had to be made in the field of Prayer. With his considerable skill he knew that the only energy crisis that existed on Earth was the Spiritual Energy shortage. He maintained that if that was put right then everything on the Planet would fall in place. In 1958 a series of Twelve Transmissions had been delivered by the Master Jesus through the mediumship of George King. These transmissions were twelve prayers directed to twelve focal points thereby constituting a powerful way to bring about change in the environment of the Planet and all life living upon it. Over the years Master George King had introduced the concept of ‘Dynamic Prayer’ which enhanced the whole mechanism of this powerful ritual. In simple scientific terms prayer is a way to direct energy from the person praying to the object of his prayer.

Figure 1 : Master George King in the Transmission Room in Los Angeles, USA before receiving a transmission from Elevated Masters from the other Planets in our Solar System.
When an emergency occurs it would take time to pull sufficient number of people together to pray to bring about relief in the affected zone. Alternatively, if prayers were conducted on a regular basis and the energy was stored in a physical battery then when an emergency occurred the battery could be discharged immediately to being about relief. It was this procedure that led Master George King to commence a new Mission which he termed ‘A New Yoga for a New Age’.
In 1973 Master George King came to England from the United States to launch his new mission. He gave a brilliant talk in London and Leeds. The day after the talk in Leeds he held a training session in Wakefield where he invited those who were interested to practice the prayer procedure that was to be adopted. This gave everyone a taste of what was to come!

Figure 2 : Operation Prayer Power training session held at the Albany Inn in Wakefield, Yorkshire before the official inauguration of the Mission on Holdstone Down in North Devonshire, England. In the foreground on the right, stands the Master looking on. Natu Patel is at the mock battery.
On Saturday 30th June 1973, ‘Operation Prayer Power’ was launched on the Holy Mountain known as ‘Holdstone Down’ in North Devonshire. There was a crowd of over 300 people present including some from television companies. Everything went very successfully. Three months later a similar ritual was held at Lake Powell in Utah, USA. Before long regular charging sessions were held at the headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London and Los Angeles.

Figure 3 : Launch of Operation Prayer Power on Holdstone Down in North Devonshire on Saturday 30th June 1973.
Ritual of Operation Prayer Power
The ritual of this prayer system follows a disciplined almost military style procedure which is new to the modern world. The word ‘prayer’ conjures up ancient and out of date ideas of faith in divinity held by old and weak-minded people and has no place in the modern world. The problem is that the concept of prayer is common throughout the world so if it has no basis who generated it. The world is slowly changing and people on the whole are becoming a little bit more open to other cultures and beliefs.
Religion is a science. Prayer is a science. With the correct balanced and unselfish set of prayers results are guaranteed. Prayers delivered in ‘The Twelve Blessings’ Transmissions by the Master Jesus are the most effective ones available to people today. Thus Master George King decided to use the first seven Blessings from that set in Operation Prayer Power.

Figure 4 : Album containing the Twelve Cosmic Transmissions delivered by the Master Jesus through the mediumship of Master George King in 1958. These Transmissions form the New Age Bible which are an extension of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ that Master Jesus gave 2000 years ago.
For prayer to be effective the correct stance and pose is essential. In Operation Prayer Power the attenders are split into various groups. For a typical charging session there would be three people in the Prayer Team who are obviously excellent at prayer. The majority of the attenders would form the Mantra Team who would provide the background Mantra to the Prayer Team. One person is required to record the timing of the sessions. Two people make an assessment of the quality of the prayers.
The Mantra Team would form a semi-circle behind the Prayer Team. After initial preparation the Mantra Team would commence with a mantra. The three members of the Prayer Team would stand in a row in front of the battery. The first team member would approach the battery and stretch out his right hand with the palm over the Battery target. His left hand would be raised above the head with the palm facing backwards. A mudra would be adopted to receive the energy coming from the Mantra Team. He would then say the heading of the first blessing. Hold a period of silence and then say the first prayer. During this time he would be visualising a white light flowing from his right palm and entering the battery through the target which is an opening at the front of the Battery. At the same time each Mantra Team member would be visualising white light flowing towards the Prayer Team member who is at the Battery.

Figure 5 : Album containing the ten Mantras given by Master George King and used in Operation Prayer Power.
The first Prayer Team member would come off the battery and the second Team member would approach the battery. He would then say the heading of the first blessing and come off the battery after finishing the prayer. After that the third Team member would go to the battery and perform the first blessing and when complete come off the battery. The first Team member would then repeat the process by going to the battery and performing the second blessing. That would be followed by the second and third team members. The process would continue with the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh blessing and the first charging session would then be over. A short break would follow.
For the second session a new Prayer Team would go into action and repeat the process of performing the full set of the seven blessing as did the first team. In all there would be four charging sessions held and a record of all the timings would be kept so that the total number of prayer hours generated can be calculated.
A ‘prayer-hour’ is defined as one person praying for a full hour without a break. Thus if there are 50 people praying for an hour the total amount of energy generated is 50 prayer hours.
Development of the Operation in the early years
Operation Prayer Power was first launched on Holdstone Down, North Devonshire in Britain in June 1973. A second charging session was held at a hotel in London and Master George King declared that the battery was fully charged. It was later discharged to help the flood victims in Northern India following heavy rainfall. In September of the same year the operation was launched at Lake Powell, Utah in USA. Regular charging sessions were held every week at the London headquarters in England and at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles. Once a battery was deemed fully charged up then it would be discharged to help bring about relief somewhere in the world.
By 1977 a third battery was made available to the Branch in Derby, England so that attenders from the midlands and north could support the mission. Thus prayer energy was being steadily stored in batteries and discharged to bring about relief throughout the world.

Figure 6 : The scroll presented to the Northern Branches in 1977 when a Prayer Power Battery was made available for charging in the Midlands and the North of England.
Amalgamation of different Yoga in Operation Prayer Power
The method of charging a Prayer Battery and discharging it later is a process used by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth often referred to as ‘The Great White Brotherhood’ for a long time. It would therefore be a mistake to treat such a scientific process as out of date and mysterious. Some people may regard introducing physical apparatus in prayer ritual as totally unnecessary. Bur we must also take note of the actions of beings greater than ourselves.
The introduction of the concept of Operation Prayer Power in the modern world is unique. The Mission incorporates several different aspects of Yoga which have all been brought together in one single bundle. What is even more significant is that it has been brought in the orbit of ordinary people who can take an active part in it. A hundred years ago such a feat would have been unthinkable!
The crux of the Mission is to generate prayer energy and then direct it to a given objective. Prayer energy is drawn together through the medium of the correct set of unselfish prayers and controlled visualisation. The aspect of Bhakti Yoga comes into play. This is the Yoga of worship to a Deity. The person at the Battery is using the Prayers from The Twelve Blessings Book and at the same time he is picking up energy coming from the congregation around him and directing that energy straight into the Battery through the aperture. His stance at the Battery is that of a soldier firing a gun with his right hand at the target and left hand facing backward with an adopted Mudra acting as an antenna. There is nothing hit-and-miss about this ritual.
The bulk of the energy is coming from the congregation which has arranged itself in a semi-circle behind the prayer team member who is at the Battery. Each person is standing up with their hands up and palms pointing straight to the left palm of the prayer team member at the Battery. Whilst they are reciting a Mantra they are also visualising white light projecting from their Heart Centre and the centres in the palms of their hands to the target. Thus all the energy is directed to a specific point – the prayer team member who in turn is projecting it straight into the Battery.
Once the Battery is either fully or partially charged and a decision is made to discharge it then it is connected to the ‘Spiritual Energy Radiator’ which pulls out the energy and bombards it through a special antenna. The Spiritual Energy Radiator has been designed in such a manner that the energy released from it gets ‘compressed’ and thus becomes a Cosmic Force which can be propelled through space. It is this aspect which makes Operation Prayer Power as potent as it is.
The combination of the different Yoga involved in Operation Prayer Power are Bhakti, Mantra, Karma, Mudra and Gnani Yoga. Some aspects of Pranayama (breath control) and visualisation practices also come into play. As the resulting energy is used principally for improving world conditions the most pronounced of the Yoga is ‘Karma Yoga’ which manipulates the Karma of the world and puts it in a slightly more positive state.
The way that Karma operates is interesting. Karma is not manipulated just during the time that the charging session is in progress! As soon as a person taking part comes home from work and has his wash, shower and food, Karma goes in action. As he travels to the place of charge Karma is moving forward. Karma is manipulating throughout the whole period of the charging session. After the session is over and he is travelling back to his home Karma is still moving forward in favour of him. Thus it can be seen that Karma Yoga is a very favourable attribute that is at our disposal to use to change the world for the better.
Secrets of Energy Levels Revealed
In the initial stages the amount of energy generated from charging sessions was based on the total number of people taking part multiplied by the time spent by the prayer teams at the battery. This was a simple formulation and served its purpose in the early years. By 1979 one of the Cosmic Masters under the title of ‘Mars Sector 8, Special Advisor S2’ gave an updated way to measure spiritual energy. In addition to the quantity of energy the concept of frequency, pressure and accumulation were introduced. A more scientific era had begun in the field of applied Prayer Energy.
It was stipulated that for a charging session to be held a minimum of 16 people were required. Starting from low to high : frequencies were assigned as : ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’, ‘A+’, ‘AA+’ and so on. The characteristics of each frequency were further defined by providing method to work out the amount of energy generated in a charging session. This was most useful as before there was just one expression to use whatever was the nature of the energy involved.

It was also revealed that frequencies at A+ and AA+, if left to rest, start accumulating at the compound interest rate of 2% per month for A+ and 6% per month for AA+. Thus if 1000 Prayer Hours at frequency A+ was left for a year it would accumulate to 1268 PH. Similarly 1000PH at AA+ frequency left for a year would become 2012 PH. These are quite staggering accumulations. The other data provided by Special Advisor ‘S2’ were the discharge rates at which different frequency of energy would be released from the Spiritual Energy Radiator. Armed with this new data a much more accurate assessment of the amount and frequency of energy could be made in Operation Prayer Power.
Following these new revelations an assessment of the starting point had to be established. After some deliberation and guidance from the Master it was decided that category ‘B’ was where the mission stood. Prayer assessors made an assessment of the category of frequency achieved by a prayer team member who was at the battery. As the months rolled by the frequency of some of the prayer team members rose to category ‘A’. Thus there was a mix of different frequency of energy in the Battery at any given time. It took some years before ’A+’ frequency was achieved. Interestingly enough it was ‘A+’ frequency of energy that was being released by Satellite Number 3 during a Spiritual Push period when it entered Earth to give humanity a helping hand through the release of spiritual energy. It is estimated that it took about 12 years for the mission to reach the ‘AA+’ frequency of energy.
If the frequency drawn in a charging session throughout was ‘A+’ then if there were 50 attenders then the total amount of energy generated in one hour of charging session would be (50 + 20) = 70 PH. For ‘AA+’ frequency the energy generated would (50 + 50) = 100 PH.
It should be noted that energy at a higher frequency can be lowered to a lower one and in the process it increases in amount. The process in reverse is not possible. (This is one reason why black magicians are keen to steal energy from White Magicians as they can reduce the frequency and thereby end up with an abundance of energy to carry out their nefarious tasks!) The ‘A+’ frequency is a useful datum as it is readily useable on our physical plane often referred to as Level 1. So is frequency ‘A’. Frequencies such as ‘B’ and ‘C’ and lower ones are useable on the lower astral realms or the “hells”. The table below, based on the best estimates, gives the expansion rates available when higher frequencies are dropped to ‘A+’.

Operation Prayer Power continued to be performed over the years in England and USA and was extended to New Zealand as well. Regular charging sessions were held in London, Barnsley, Los Angeles, Michigan and New Zealand. Over the 50 year period of the Mission the frequency remained at ‘AA+’ although Master George King had hinted that at the American Headquarters occasionally frequency of ‘AA++’ was reached. No attempts were made by the organisers to investigate this phenomena any further.
At the end of 1979 Master George King asked Special Advisor S2 if he could give an estimate of the amount of manipulation carried out by The Aetherius Society compared to the total output from the different religions of the world. S2 stated that the amount of energy released from Operation Space Power and Operation Sunbeam was 945 times more potent than the combined output from the Christian and Buddhist faiths. That was quite an astounding revelation. So exactly how much energy is generated by the different religions? The following is a break-down of the energy released in 1979 by the Society and the religions of the world.
Operation Space Power released 1,680,000 PH (1.68 million PH) at A+ frequency
Operation Sunbeam released 69,000 PH at AAA++ frequency which equates to
(69,000 X 80 = 5,520,000) 5.52 million PH at A+ frequency
Total amount of energy from Space Power and Sunbeam = 7.2 million PH at A+ frequency
Therefore total output from religions of the world = 7620 PH at A+ frequency
By the mid 80’s the society was generating in the region of 20,000 PH of energy at AA+ frequency per year in Operation Prayer Power which is 140,000 PH equivalent at ‘A+’ frequency which stands very favourably against the output from the different religions of the world.
Escalating Mission Concepts to Higher Level
After Master George King had passed away from the physical plane in 1997 there was discord principally at the London Headquarters where the officers in charge were setting up a dictatorial type regime contrary to the set-up instituted by the Master. Such behaviour was not acceptable to certain members who consequently resigned from the society in 2012.
In the mid-eight’s one of these people had looked in the construction of different aspects of radionic design and made some discoveries which came in useful in the latter years. By 2016 a method to store spiritual energy was conceived and a storage battery was constructed and tested. A Pranic Radiator was also built which proved to be successful to discharge energy from the Battery.
The problem with holding a charging session was the requirement of having a minimum of 16 people as stipulated by Special Advisor S2. The small band of people who had left the society was limited to about six. On reflection it was recalled that a well-trained adept in prayer can charge up a Battery by himself or with a small number of people. Therefore an alternative method had to be sought to solve the problem. A new approach was thought out and put in operation.
Now only one person would be at the Battery at any time and he would conduct all seven blessing prayers one after the other in a row. This would place a greater demand on stance as he would have to hold his position for 8 to 10 minutes. However with practice success would follow. Whilst this is going on the congregation would provide energy from background mantra.
Using the formulation of Special Advisor S2, for AA+ frequency of energy, the quantity of energy generated was (50 + No. of attenders) PH / hour of charge. This assumes that the person at the Battery is pulling 50 PH of energy while each member of the congregation is drawing 1 PH. By this time Operation Prayer Power had been in progress for over 40 years and no allowance for improvement had been considered. That meant that a prayer team member who is not at the Battery drops his rate of pulling energy from 50 PH to 1 PH. Furthermore, the mantra team members experience no improvement in their performance either over time. These factors could not just be ignored!
An exercise Battery was constructed which allowed energy to be directed through the front aperture and released through a tube from the back. A person standing at the back of the Battery could then using a radionics pendulum record the amount and frequency of energy being pulled in a typical charging session. Over a period of 5 months these mock charging sessions were held involving different number of prayer team members and mantra team so that a wide spectrum of results were available for analysis. Everybody was told not to reveal their findings to anybody else so as not to influence the outcome of the final formulation.
At the end of the test period all the data was collated and some type of simple mathematical solutions were considered to fit the results. Sure enough a sensible solution did emerge.
No. of PH at AA+ = 50 + 25 X (No. of Prayer team – 1) + 5 X (No. of Mantra team)
Where No. of Prayer team = No. of Prayer Team Members
No. of Mantra team = No. of Mantra Team Members
The above relationship shows that the person at the Battery is pulling 50 PH as before. Each of the remainder of the Prayer team member is drawing 50% of his capacity. Each one of the Mantra team member is drawing 5 PH instead of 1 PH before. The validity of the revised formulation had to be confirmed before it could be used successfully.
Regular charging sessions were commenced on a weekly basis. A record of the people taking part and the times of charge were kept. After many months when the Battery was deemed fully charged up it was connected to the radiator for discharge. Several people monitored the discharge procedure and checked constantly with a radionics pendulum to determine the time when the Battery was completely empty. To everyone’s relief the time of discharge tied closely with the amount of energy that was in the Battery. Thus confidence was assured in the new method to work out the quantity of energy generated in a charging session. Over the ensuing period a close watch was maintained in the times of the charging and discharging sessions to ensure no errors were involved.
The difference in the quantity of energy generated using the previous S2 formula and the more refined relationship is stark. If there were 7 people taking part in a charging session with 3 prayer team members then the total amount of energy pulled in one hour session would be : 50 + 25 x (3 - 1) + 5 X 4 = 120 PH. Using the ‘S2’ formulation no session could take place and therefore the amount of energy generated is zero.
If there were 16 people present with 6 prayer team members then the amount of energy generated would be : 50 + 25 X (6 – 1) + 5 X 10 = 225 PH. Using the ‘S2’ formulation the amount of energy generated would be : 50 + 16 = 66 PH. The difference in results between the two methods is quite noticeable and cannot be ignored.
It should be appreciated that the original formulation provided by Special Advisor S2 was to give a start to the mission so that the quantity of energy generated in a session could be determined. No formulations were given for higher frequencies of energy. It was left to future participants to work out a modified method to achieve that end.
In practice what is happening is that more energy is accumulated in the Battery than calculations predict. It means that charge and discharge sequences are grossly in error leading to energy being lost as a Battery may already be fully charged and therefore not in a state to take any more energy! This is a serious state of affairs and needs to be rectified.
An important factor overlooked is the amount of time a prayer team member spends at the Battery. In the original modus operandi the time spent by a prayer team member would range between 30 to 90 seconds depending on the prayer involved. This is indeed a very short time in which the prayer team member is expected to invoke the energy and direct into the Battery. By the time he is fully inspired and concentrated he has to come off the Battery to let the next person to take over the charge. Compare this sequence with the new procedure adopted. The person comes up to the Battery and composes himself for the task ahead. He adopts the stance and continues the Mantra visualising white light going into the Battery from his palm placed at the Battery aperture. After a short pause he finishes off with the first prayer. Then he moves on to the second prayer and continues with Mantra and after another pause says the prayer. The sequence continues until the final seventh prayer is concluded. He then comes off the Battery and that session is completed. The total duration the prayer member is at the Battery would be about 10 minutes. During this time he is able to be more relaxed and less tense allowing his full concentration and inspiration to flow through the Mantra and prayer. This is how an adept performs his Prayer and Mantra which is the correct procedure to follow.
Another major break-through in the science of prayer occurred in 2019. At Sunday Divine Services it was common to play a recording of a blessing from The Twelve Blessings Transmission to enhance the flow of energy. Those who attended such sessions knew beyond a shadow of doubt at the intensity and magic pervading the atmosphere. There was no doubt that the amount of energy being pulled was vastly increased. This concept was considered carefully and whether it could be used in the prayer power ritual. Tests were carried out using this format. A charging session was arranged as before and a full transmission was played from speakers placed behind the congregation. This was akin to having the Master Jesus standing behind the attenders sending out his love and power to flood the whole temple. After all it was the Master Jesus himself who said that “Wherever a few are gathered in my name there shall I be”.
Several sessions were held with background blessings over a period of time. A record of times were carefully kept so that a good estimate of amount of energy generated in the battery was kept. The Battery was then discharged and from the time of discharge the amount of energy in the Battery was computed. Much to everyone’s surprise it was noted that there was a magnification factor of ‘two’ in the amount of energy in the Battery. What this meant was that the amount of energy being generated using the transmissions was doubled from the previous figures. This was an amazing revelation. Further tests were carried out to ensure the validity of these findings.
For the frequency of AA+ the modified relationship to work out the quantity of energy generated in a charging session becomes as below.
No. of PH at AA+ = 100 + 50 X (No. of Prayer team – 1) + 10 X (No. of Mantra team)
Where No. of Prayer team = No. of Prayer Team Members
No. of Mantra team = No. of Mantra Team Members
The above relationship indicates that the person at the Battery is pulling 100 PH instead of 50 PH before. Each of the remainder of the Prayer team member is drawing 50 PH instead of 25 PH before. Each one of the Mantra team member is drawing 10 PH instead of 5 PH before.
The difference in the quantity of energy generated in the new formulation is astounding. If there were 7 people taking part in a charging session with 3 prayer team members then the total amount of energy pulled in one hour session would be : 100 + 50 x (3 - 1) + 10 X 4 = 240 PH. If there were 16 people present with 6 prayer team members then the amount of energy generated would be : 100 + 50 X (6 – 1) + 10 X 10 = 450 PH. From these examples it is easily seen that the whole aspect of Operation Prayer Power alters dramatically.
Emergence of ‘Operation World Prayer’
In the ensuing years a considerable amount of time and effort was devoted to examine different options and variants to enhance the whole process of prayer. Trials were made, modified and sometimes dropped so that by the year 2023 a definite procedure crystallised. Operation World Prayer was born.

Figure 7 : Prayer Battery designed and built by followers of Master George King in Derby, England. This Battery can store 3000 Prayer Hours of Spiritual Energy. The front lid has been removed to show the aperture through which Prayer Energy is directed into the Battery. Regular World Prayer charging sessions are held on a weekly basis.
The tripod with the Battery on top is placed at the rear of the temple facing opposite the altar. The temple speakers would lie at the front on either side of the altar. The congregation would form in a semi-circle facing the Battery. Initial preparation would follow. The first prayer team member would stand in front of the Battery and commence the first Mantra and the congregation would join in. The Prayer Member would take the lid off the Battery and place his right palm over the target with his left arm raised above his head facing backwards with the adopted mudra. The stop watch would be turned on to log the duration of the first charge. Everybody including the Prayer Team Member is reciting the Mantra in unison. After a short pause the first transmission is switched on where the Master Jesus says : “Blessed Are They Who Work For Peace”. The full transmission follows until the Master Jesus says : “So Endeth The First Blessing”. Then the Prayer Team Member says the First Prayer. The Mantra continues for a short period and the session is closed. The stop watch is switched off.
After a short break the second session would commence with a second Prayer Team Member and the charging procedure would be repeated with the second blessing. A second Mantra would be used. The process would continue until all the Twelve Blessings are played. This means that in total there would be twelve charging sessions held each one with a duration of between 8 to 12 minutes. Furthermore all the ten Mantra presented in the Mantra album would be used with two of the mantra repeated to tie up with the twelve sessions being held. If it is felt that only the first seven blessings should be used then that is completely acceptable. After all the sessions have been completed a record of the total charging session time should be logged so that the total amount of energy generated in the charging session is calculated.
The true nature of Operation World Prayer and its potency would not be felt immediately but as time goes by a certain magic would begin to form in the make-up of the participant. It should be remembered that as the words of the Master Jesus are relayed from the speakers the energy which lies in those words passes through the mind and body of everyone taking part. This process will begin to open up the psychic centres so that a greater and higher octave of energy would begin to flow. This is white magic at its highest. It is said that a person who fills his mind with knowledge and truth of a person greater and higher than himself forces his psychic centres to open up.

Figure 8 : The Venusian Master Jesus of the Energy of L-O-V-E as expressed by him in the Twelve Blessings that He delivered through the mediumship of Master George King in 1958. These Teachings will gain momentum as the world slowly but surely advances in the New Aquarian Cycle.
Operation World Prayer is going on very successfully on a regular basis in Derby, England. Despite the tiny number of people taking part the amount of energy generated is phenomenal. Furthermore the frequency of energy is also beginning to rise which is a wonderful and everlasting journey towards enlightenment.
Moving upwards to Higher Frequency of Energy
A group that has reached AA+ frequency of Energy consistently should strive to move forward to the next frequency at ‘AA++’. At this stage all participants would need to be Prayer Team Members. Even if no conscious effort is made to improve, the energy level will start moving upwards gradually unless the group is hopelessly unmotivated in which case it has probably not even reached AA+. No formal data has been provided by the Cosmic Masters on AA++ frequency so it is up to ordinary humans to figure out how much energy is pulled by a person who can invoke that frequency of energy. One ability that we do possess is intuition and that needs to be cultivated especially as we are in the Aquarian Age of true science. Using such procedures it has been possible to formulate a method to estimate the amount of energy drawn by an individual capable of achieving that frequency.
No. of PH at AA++ = 350 + 175 X (No. of Prayer Team Members - 1)
If the Twelve Blessings Transmissions by the Master Jesus are incorporated then the amount of energy is doubled and a typical charging session becomes:
No. of PH at AA++ = 700 + 350 X (No. of Prayer Team Members - 1)
The above formulations can be used as starting points and as experience develops they can be rectified and updated as appropriate.
Let us remember the quote by Master George King:
"The New Age will be built by the courage and determination of strong willed, spiritually minded undefeatable individuals”