Aquarian Age Sciences and Developments

Aquarian Age Sciences and Developments

George King yoga
George King yoga

Written by:

Natu Patel

Yoga in the Aquarian Age

Yoga means Union with God.  Union with one’s Higher Self.  It is the only complete educational system on Earth.  Although it has been confined to the East and little is known in the West, its emergence in the present Aquarian Age Cycle throughout the world is inevitable.

According to modern thinking the make-up of the human body is confined to the materialistic understanding of the working of cells, organs, blood flow through veins and so on.  The Yoga background goes way beyond this basic knowledge.

Based on Yoga concepts the human body consists of seven levels of vibration.  Beyond the physical configuration that we see and perceive there are other structures surrounding it.  The higher bodies vibrate at other frequencies and are not easily seen by the eye.  Those individuals who are slightly psychic or perceptive notice a cloudy band surrounding the physical structure.  The concept of the human aura is widely known and believed.  Within the higher bodies are openings referred to as ‘psychic centres’ through which there is a constant in and out flow of energy.  Prominent people, such as the late Charles Leadbeater of The Theosophical Society movement had presented artists impressions of these psychic centres.  Yogis of the past and present have talked and referred to them in their teachings.

Yoga principles state that lodged at the base of the spine is a cluster of subtle atoms referred at as the ‘Power of Kundalini’.  Joined to that cluster of atoms is a thin cord called the ‘Susumna’ which has a three and a half turn at the base.  It is often referred to as ‘Serpent Power’.  This is a female negative force.  The spinal column is an atom splitting mechanism.  It is said that there is enough energy there to power the ocean-liner - Queen Elizabeth II for 900 years!  When the force of Kundalini is bombarded with the positive force generated by the different techniques of Yoga then the female force begins to rise through the thin cord that runs through the centre of the spinal column to the top of the head.  Joined to that cord are a series of ‘Psychic Centres’ through which there is an in and out flow of natural or spiritual energy.  The psychic centres from the base to the top of the head are : Base Centre, Sex Centre, Solar Plexus Centre, Heart Centre, Throat Centre, Christ Centre and Crown Centre or Brahma Chakra.  The only reason for our existence on Earth is to raise the power of Kundalini from the Base Centre to the Brahma Chakra in a controlled manner and we are free from the cycle of re-incarnation.  Thereafter we can move off this Planet to higher existence on other Planets in our Solar System.  There are not two reasons for our existence but just one!

The rise of the power Kundalini is an on-going process.  Unfortunately as humanity is stagnant because of its ignorance this power remains dormant.  For example, the Master Jesus said that the power of God is within you – exactly what did he mean?  To activate this power many different procedures and systems of Yoga exist.  People who indulge in drugs do bring about a partial rise of this power but as it is uncontrolled and leads to grave health and mental problems.  Refraining from hard drugs must be avoided at all cost.

As the power of Kundalini is raised upwards from the base centre, the first centre that opens up is the Sex Centre.  The process of sex between a male and a female is to procreate the human race.  The fact that sex pre-dominates much of human activity, driven mainly by uncontrolled emotion is a grossly misguided outcome.  To move forward control over the sex drive is essential.  Procedures do exist to achieve that end.   When the power of Kundalini is raised to the Solar Plexus Centre the individual gains greater perception of life and becomes a great healer and excellent at prayer and other spiritual rituals.  Raising the power higher to the Heart Centre allows one to project from the physical body and travel to other parts of the world in a conscious state.

A rise to the Throat Centre would lead the aspirant to reach the state of meditation.  This is a very elevated state.  Before it is reached the person has to be able to concentrate without any deviation for hours on any object chosen; then on to contemplation and finally to the stage of true meditation.  Such is a state of near death.  If the student carries on further Cosmic Consciousness is reached and finally raising the power to the Brahma Chakra leads the person to freedom and breaking loose from the limitations of Earth bounds.  If by now the aspirant can raise the power of Kundalini through each centre in turn, close that centre and finally reach the Brahma Chakra then the ultimate goal of life is reached.  Then the aspirant has to lower the power in a controlled manner back through each centre in turn right down to the Base Centre.  Once that is achieved the aspirant would go through the Initiation of Ascension and gain total freedom from Earth.

The person, now an Ascended Master would then be given the choice to remain on Earth and join the ‘Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth’, sometimes referred to as ‘The Great White Brotherhood – GWB’ (Here ‘white’ refers to white magic and not to the colour of skin of anybody) to help the progress of humanity or be introduced onto existence on one of the higher Planets in our Solar System.

Our journey through the Solar System has been clearly defined in a series of Cosmic Transmissions relayed through the mediumship of Master George King in 1961 by an intelligence under the pseudonym of ‘Mars Sector Six’.  In the ‘Nine Freedoms’ the first six freedoms deal with the essential steps that humans have to take to reach the goal of Ascension.  These steps are ‘Bravery’, ‘Love’, ‘Service’, ‘Enlightenment’, ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ and ‘Ascension’.  Each one of these stages can be treated as paths of Yoga leading to our final destination which is liberation from our hard journey from Earth.  The texts contained in The Nine Freedoms go beyond anything that has ever been given to Earth before and should form an essential part of education throughout the world.

The major difficulty of following the path of Yoga is the fact that it is wrought with hardship and discipline which is hard to maintain for an ordinary person.  The lives of great and extra-ordinary students and masters of Yoga of the past and present are available for all to read and study.  Some of the trials and tests that they had to go through would send most of us insane but they achieved them though determination and perseverance.  Thus the path of Yoga has remained in the close circle of extremely strong and determined individuals.

One such individual, born in England in 1919, was the late Doctor George King who later founded The Aetherius Society.  From an early age he was interested in life and wanted to know its purpose.  During the Second World War he joined the London’s fire brigade and carried out very demanding humanitarian work which was also extremely dangerous.  It was during that time that he came across some Yogi Master under the name of Doctor Shastri who guided him through the early stages of practising Yoga.  Before long George King was practising between 8 to 10 hours of Yoga every night thereby sleeping for maybe one or two hours.  He went to work during the day.  In a period of ten years he managed to raise the power of Kundalini from the Base Centre to the Brahma Chakra and thus gained the stage of Ascension although he never went through that ceremony.  George King then became a Master in his own right.

It should be noted that George King never adopted or used any of the more dangerous and painful procedures used by some eastern practitioners of Yoga to raise the power of Kundalini.  He has maintained that some of those practices are not needed to achieve any result.  This is a significant observation for people on Earth now.

Being a man from the West, Master George King was an extremely practical person.  He admits that during the early stages of his practice of Yoga he spent too much time on Hatha Yoga, which is concerned with physical exercises, which he felt was not that necessary.  It is through this individual that a new perspective has been opened up in the field and science of Yoga.  What this does is to allow an ordinary person to start practising Yoga despite all the limitations of ordinary day to day life. 

Two thousand years ago when the Master Jesus graced our world, the Piscean Age had begun.  That was the age of the dispensation of the energy of ‘Love’ which he advocated.  Sadly that was reduced to that of emotion which has led humanity to no worth-while end.  Now the Aquarian Age has dawned, which is the age of true science, when the Theory of the East is put into Practice in the West, thereby achieving the perfect balance.  Theory without practice is almost useless.

In the forty years’ mission of Master George King, he has presented a tremendous amount of truth about life and its mysteries.  It would take a person about twenty years to go through all that he has generated in his lifetime.  As well as that he spent times on mountains in fierce weather conditions, thousands of hours at sea and on lakes, taking dangerous transmissions from elevated sources from the other Planets, each transmission was like going through death and educating humanity at the same time.  Through his unique and down-to-earth practical outlook a new and re-vitalised approach has emerged on the whole aspect of life and in particular the implementation of the different Yoga to be practised in the Aquarian cycle.  

The different paths of Yoga are elaborated in the sections below.

Practice of Yoga in the New World

Hatha Yoga

This is the Yoga of physical postures well covered and practiced throughout the world. In many circles it is over-rated and regarded as the whole basis of Yoga. Some of the basic exercises such as headstand and others are useful to keep a healthy and supple body. The more extreme postures are probably not that useful or necessary but exciting if that motivates the person.

Pranayama or Breath Control

This is a more popular practice as presented by Yogis of the past but not that easy to maintain over any length of time. It involves different methods of breathing exercises and control over them. Breath is life. It is said that it is thousands of time more important to teach children correct breathing exercises than the alphabet! This is a Yoga worth pursuing as correct and deep breathing helps all aspects of good physical and mental well-being. Often students practising Hatha Yoga would ask what they should do with their breathing. That then obviously leads to Pranayama. Deep breathing exercises slowly lead the student to mental visualisations which takes them to the next stage known as ‘Raja Yoga’, sometimes referred to as the Royal Path.

Bhakti Yoga – Yoga of Devotion to a Deity

This is the Yoga of devotion to one’s chosen God, practised through the medium of prayer. Prayer as such is not really understood. It is a simple method of transmitting natural or spiritual energy from the person praying to the object of the prayer. It is the transference of energy from the psychic centres of the prayer to the object. Contact healing is yet another form of this mechanism but performed in a different manner.

In July 1958, Master George King was summoned up a hill top in North Devon, England. It was at mid-night that the Master Jesus appeared from a spacecraft and directed a beam of spiritual energy through the body of George King making that mountain a battery of power available for the use of humans. Over the following three years a further 18 mountains throughout the world were similarly charged. Any ordinary person who has the desire to help humanity in any way can scale such mountains and pray for world peace or for sending healing energy for family or friends. The only effort required is climbing those mountains and praying which can be done by anyone. It is said that an individual now can send as much energy as a trained master of Yoga could a hundred years ago! Times have definitely changed.

A few days after the first hill in North Devon was charged, the Master Jesus delivered his Twelve Blessings Transmissions through the voice box of George King. The Twelve Transmissions were given over twelve consecutive Sundays as an extension of the Sermon on the Mount which the Master Jesus gave two thousand years ago.

The Twelve Blessings prayers are directed to twelve focal points in creation and constitute the most powerful method of directing energy to the world. Like the Holy Mountains anyone who has a desire to help the world in any form can use these prayers which are delivered in very simple plain English language. No previous background in prayer is necessary to make a start in this Yoga of this age.

Karma Yoga - Yoga of Action

The word ‘Karma’ has become quite common these days. Some people think of it as destiny. In reality there is very little understanding of this concept which encompasses the whole of creation. Nothing operates outside of Karma. Karma is God.

The entire teachings of Shri Krishna can be summed up in one word ‘Karma’. In his message and teachings he explains how this great law operates throughout our lives. The Lord Buddha stated that ‘To Every Action There is an Equal and Opposite Reaction’ which is the law of Karma. The Master Jesus said that ‘As You Saw So Shall You Reap’. Other teachers and Masters have mentioned this concept in different ways. Sadly we have taken no notice of this concept and thus the world remains a melting pot of discord and disease.

From the law of Karma it follows that every thought and action creates for us a positive or negative accumulation of energy which either helps us or hinders us in our progress. Karma is therefore working continuously. A Karmic pattern is being woven every second of our lives both in awake and sleep state. An individual forms its own Karmic pattern and so does a group of people or country. So everything that nature throws at us - good, bad or indifferent is the result of our own making. There is no escape from this and the sooner we accept and co-operate with it then the world will change around us.

Coupled with Karma is the aspect of reincarnation which ensures that a karmic pattern sawn by an individual carries from one life to another. Thus life is continuous changing from one set of environmental conditions to another when different set of lessons are presented and learnt.

In recent years what has come to light is the significance of Karma Yoga driven mainly by the work and guidance of Master George King. He introduced the correct and most effective method to pray using The Twelve Blessings prayers given by the Master Jesus. He taught those who were interested a simple method to give healing to those who needed using contact or hands-on technique. He encouraged people to go up Holy Mountains to pray for world peace and healing.

Not satisfied to operate at individual level alone he devised yet another direct method to give to the living, breathing Mother Earth a tiny token of the vast energy debt that we owe her for providing us with a home where we can gain essential experience. This act of white magic was termed ‘Operation Sunbeam’. So significant was this action that the higher Cosmic Masters stated that Operation Sunbeam is the greatest metaphysical task being performed by any organisation or any country on Earth. The Karmic manipulation from this alone has avoided massive earth quakes and other natural disasters.

As time went by some of the equipment built for Operation Sunbeam was adapted to commence yet another major mission. Master George King realised that there was just one energy crisis existing on Earth which was the shortage of spiritual energy. He said that put that right and everything will fall in place. When an emergency occurs it takes time to pull sufficient people together to pray to bring about relief in the affected zone. Time in these circumstances is vital and an important factor. However, if prayer energy was already contained in a physical receptacle generated by people coming together to pray then the battery can be discharged immediately to bring about relief in the area affected. This mission termed ‘Operation Prayer Power’ was commenced in 1973 and has been continuing since bringing relief throughout the world. Again this is a very simple procedure and anyone can take part in it with a little bit of practice.

It should be noted that the Aquarian Age which is the age of science has seen the introduction of radionics equipment conceived and designed by Master George King. A Spiritual Energy Battery can store Prayer Energy and can be discharged at any time by connecting it to a Spiritual Energy Radiator. It is said that the introduction of the Spiritual Energy Battery is on par with the invention of the wheel. That is how significant it is! Using such simple tools allows ordinary people to partake in altering world events on a scale not ever seen before in our history.

Karma Yoga is thus a very powerful tool that is at our disposal to slowly but surely make our world a better place to live by some effort on our part through spiritual action. Rather than remaining as spectators it is time to roll up our sleeves and take action. If we do nothing else let us become a little bit more positive in our mental outlook which will improve the world by that small degree.

Mantra Yoga – Yoga of Sound Vibration

This is an extremely powerful procedure of all the Yoga. It constitutes sound vibration intoned in Sanskrit the repeated use of which leads to a rise of the power of Kundalini upwards through the tiny cord in the spinal column. Mantras are always given by a Master to the pupil and never passed on from pupil to pupil. The laws of Mantra are exact and not to be broken. Master George King has given several Mantras in his publications so they are readily available to anyone who is interested to put them into practice. Again this aspect of white magic is available to anyone who is interested to move forward on their spiritual path. Mantra can be said individually or in a group which is very powerful. When Mantra is said in unison and harmony the energy generated can be felt by anyone without too much difficulty.

Gnani Yoga – Yoga of Knowledge and Wisdom

The person who fills his mind with the wisdom of beings greater than himself begins to open up the Psychic Centres allowing a greater flood of understanding and wisdom to flow through to raise the power of Kundalini up the spinal column. A tremendous amount of ancient wisdom and truth has come to Earth through the mediumship of Master George King. One way to stop any growth through ourselves is to ignore that altogether and continue along our path of apathy and ignorance. Alternatively, we can avail ourselves with this knowledge and maybe slowly but surely begin to move along the path of truth to God which sooner or later we have to follow anyway. The wisdom contained within the Nine Freedoms Transmissions is a very good start on that journey.

Agni Yoga – Yoga of Fire

A Master realises that the student has many weaknesses that need to be transmuted or raised up to a higher octave. A quick process used by the Master is to cause a strong reaction within the mind of the student that causes an internal fire to shake up the weakness and force the student to make a determined conscious effort to overcome it. Such a process is in not pleasant but does produce very effective results in a short time. At an individual level where no Master is available aspects of Agni Yoga can be applied effectively by taking an example of others who have weaknesses and have over-come them through ardent patience and practice.

Mudra Yoga – Yoga of Hand Signs

This is a secret Yoga which is usually passed from a Master to a pupil. The fingers in our hands represent major and minor aspects of natural energies that pervade all space. By adopting particular finger configurations different aspects of energy flow to bring about specific results. The blessing hand-sign used by Christian clerics is an example of this which was copied from the East! Master George King does give some hand signs to be adopted when practising breathing exercises and when doing Mantras. Hand signs are also used in Operation Prayer power.

Materialism to Spiritualism

The world that we live in today is mainly dominated by western culture and thought. It is a world of materialism. We have a Godless society existing in ignorance, war, strife, disease and dominated by evil that wants to ensure that it remains in power. Materialism has ensured that science, politics, finance and other aspects of life remain in intact.

On July 8th 1964, the living breathing Mother Earth beneath our feet, received Her primary Initiation when She received the equivalent amount of energy that She had been given when She was born as a Planet 3000 million years ago. This is the most important event in our calendar. Since that time all vibration of all matter has begun to change. The Aquarian cycle is part of that aspect.

We have been on this Planet for over eighteen million years. During that time we have caused two atomic destructions! Time is short. The Mother Earth cannot wait for us to wake up and change in time to take our rightful place in the new world. Therefore the choice is very simple. We continue with our present way of muddling through life without an aim and eventually be cast on a younger world to re-live the terrors of the history we have carved for ourselves or change and move forward. The different paths of Yoga, however applied in small or insignificant ways, will begin to bring about changes within the individual. There is so much energy now pervading the ethers of the Planet that the spiritual person can bathe in that light and bring about astounding results.

The choice is ours to make.

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