Aquarian Age Sciences and Developments

Aquarian Age Sciences and Developments

Pyramid Meta-Science Exploration
Pyramid Meta-Science Exploration

Written by:

Natu Patel

Part 3 : Pyramid Meta-Science Exploration

1.0 Introduction

Investigation carried out in the construction of a large scale model of a pyramid based on the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as visit to the site in Egypt have already been covered in the article entitled : “Part 1 : The Pyramid Enigma” and “Part 2 : Visit to Saqqara”. Over the ensuing years seminars and gatherings have been held to promote and re-vitalise the whole aspect of the mystery behind the pyramids. From the experiences of those taking part what emerges is a picture of the make-up and application of these machines in the days gone by which is beyond the grasp of the material sciences and mental capabilities of the present age.

The Master of the last century, the late Doctor George King had stated that the Pyramid of Giza was built a long time before the Egyptians ever came onto the scene when the land there was green and lush. Built by a highly advanced race of metaphysicians, the Pyramid was hardly intended to act as a tomb for the dead – rather an instrument for the living and those ready for the great initiations and true spiritual advancement. The ancient Egyptians merely copied the Great Pyramid in building what they strangely enough considered, “fitting” tombs for their worldly leaders. One thing is likely, the more this pyramid is probed using modern techniques and instrumentation, the greater will deepen the mystery of this ancient monument in the eyes of today’s science. For it was built by metaphysicians and it needs a true metaphysician to understand its function. The puny brains of today’s science are hardly a match for the intellectual colossus which lies behind the construction and function of the Great Pyramid.

The experiences of many ordinary people who have attended the seminar on the pyramids and exposed to the model “Derby Pyramid” are sited in this article. Let their stories unfold before you to open up barriers so you too can move into new spheres of investigation and discovery.

2.0 Vital Link-Up

During and after the flurry of activity following the construction of the model “Derby Pyramid”, life was full of surprises. One evening I went to see the famous musical play called ‘Showboat’ being performed by a local opera company in Derby. I have always been very interested in music. When the well known song called ‘Old Man River’ came on, at a precise note something incredible happened. I seemed to travel into another dimension. The environment I was in had vanished. Next, a large three-sided pyramid appeared, taller than a person, with concentric rings on its faces. For some reason I seemed to recognise the deep significance of the experience and the part I had played a mighty long time back in time. At the same time I felt a tremendous surge of power leave from my heart centre as a vortex of energy shot out shaking the whole of my body. Some years later whilst watching a film version of the same musical ‘Showboat’ I had a very similar experience which occurred almost at the same point as before when again a vortex of power left from the heart centre. This shows the great and profound power of music.

The months following my visit to the pyramids in Egypt were quiet and peaceful. The Derby Pyramid had performed its task as far as I could take it. The lower base of the two piece unit was supported at its four corners on posts. The upper stage was placed on its side underneath the base. Whenever I had visitors staying with me they naturally slept in the attic room where the model was sited. Almost without exception everybody remarked about the mystical atmosphere that pervaded in the room. Most of them had very sound sleep. I personally had not slept in that room as the need had never arisen.

One evening I had a strong impression that I should sleep in the attic room. I followed my hunch and at the usual late hour I went to bed. As soon as I had closed my eyes a series of events occurred at lightning speed. A thin beam of white light projected from me towards the model, then travelled to the stone circle at Avebury, the Great Pyramid of Giza and back again to me. So strong and definite was this manoeuvre that it left me aghast in shock. I knew that an essential link had been formed.

What happened next was even more amazing! Some type of a beam entered my brain causing a strange sensation. Next, the whole of the King’s Chamber which lies inside the Great Pyramid materialised in its entirety in complete and absolute detail. My immediate reaction was to exclaim in sheer delight at the wonder of this manifestation and the fact that I was inside the important vault. I could smell and feel the intangible environment which I had experienced only a few months before when I was physically inside the Great Pyramid. I turned my head to examine the stone structure and noticed the thin gaps between the granite blocks. I could even feel the slightly bumpy surfaces of the blocks. This was an experience for which there was no parallel in my everyday conscious world. Yet there it was: a complete detailed materialisation of a cavity which was over two thousand miles from where I slept in my mundane surrounding. This was no figment of my imagination for there was no way I could produce a picturisation like that even if I tried with all my might.

I stayed in that vault for a few minutes then slowly everything dissolved and I was back in my dark environment of the room. Next day I pondered over the previous night’s encounter. On reflection I remembered that Doctor George King had stated that the Giza Pyramids in Egypt had been in existence for thousands of years and had thus established a place for themselves on the planet. For our model pyramid to function correctly it would have to establish a link with the large structures. Thus was the transfer of power from myself to the model and the Great Pyramid just that. I certainly felt a lot happier about the whole project ever since that time.

It is my sincere belief that this psychic connection between the Derby Pyramid and the Great Pyramid of Giza was more than likely arranged by Doctor George King himself in co operation with other higher forces. Unknown to me at that time, I had not foreseen the chain of events that would unfold in my own life as time passed by. The Derby Pyramid would be used in a purely educational sense to make people aware of the great sciences which existed on earth a long time ago and which are being re-activated in modern times. One thing that we humans miss is that for anything to happen, Karma has to be manipulated in a positive phase for things to manifest. Therefore it is vital for us, if we are interested to move forward in any field, to expend the time and effort to bring about a definite result.

I was told of an interesting event that occurred in the late 1950’s when Doctor George King was still living in England. One day he told his followers that he was going to invoke the powers of the ancient Atlantian Priests that evening. However, before anything happened he was stopped in that action by higher forces. Exactly what he was going to do nobody knows. At another time he said that if you entered a stone circle in a certain way you could project straight to the Moon! Such was the vast knowledge and background of this individual that it is the greatest tragedy of the 20th century that nobody woke up to his presence. Many years later when I was in the company of Doctor George King he said to me that he had spent 50,000 years learning about Shape Power in another time in another place!

As the years rolled on I was able to arrange seminars on my investigation with the Derby Pyramid as well as my visit to the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Although at the beginning I had many problems with interference and disturbance they subsided as time went by. I was aware what Doctor George King had said about the four-sided pyramid that it lacked discrimination and unfortunately drew radio-activity which is dangerous. I think that the cleansing that he had carried out meant that the Derby Pyramid was unique and safe for me to use as a medium to educate people. I would say that anybody else who is interested to investigate shape power should build very small card models and play around with them. If further interest is sought then the investigator should switch over to experimenting with three-sided pyramids.

The high-light of the pyramid seminar was to allow the attender to sit under the Derby Pyramid and expose themselves to the influences of ‘Shape Power’. On average 70% to 80% of the attendees would have some unusual experiences to relate. 30% to 40% would have outstanding experiences that they could not match with anything that they would have had before in their lives. Whilst these experiences have no significance within the bounds of modern science, there is a clear indication that material science needs to lift up its barriers to encompass the meta-sciences which will open up the gate-way to heaven and the stars.

3.0 Pyramid Experiences

The experiences of many different individuals who have been exposed to the Derby Pyramid are sited in this section.

3.1 Hot Hands

One of the lady co-operators on the project used to get her hands extremely hot whenever she sat under the Derby Pyramid. It was equivalent to immersing both her hands in a tub full of very hot water at a temperature near enough to scald the skin. She had no way of achieving that phenomena any other way then to dip her hands in hot water. After the event there was no hint of any skin rash or scalding.

3.2 Hammer Blows

Within minutes of setting up the model uneasiness was felt in the solar plexus centre. During a period of spiritual enhancement when considerable amount of energy is prevalent around the planet, the model was set up. Two individuals who were in the proximity of the model felt very strong hammer blows in their stomachs. The model was immediately dismantled and soon the atmosphere calmed down.

3.3 Pyramid in Construction

The single piece of rock that I had broken from a slab in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was analysed by different people with very interesting results. Under psychometric analyses (science of picking impressions using touch), two independent individuals came up with startling results. In one case the person saw two large three-sided pyramids placed on high ground. From one face of each projected beams of energy towards a large stone which rose several feet above the ground. It was then propelled horizontally easily by some magnetic means towards the pyramid which was under construction and had already reached quite a height. The large slabs seemed to glide through the air apparently without much effort.

The second investigator came up with very similar observations. Again a three-sided pyramid was seen in operation. Stone blocks were being lifted with extreme rapidity, moved over long distances by mysterious means, and shot into place in the structure of the pyramid at an unbelievable pace. What was staggering was the way in which the boulders were being bombarded into place and how they fitted exactly. In all cases it was noticed that the massive slabs were lifted off the ground by anti-gravity forces and there were no signs of any physical effort being involved.

3.4 Change of Environment

In the mid 1970’s my wife and I changed our residence from Burton Road to a little further up the road and a short distance off it. This was a much larger house. The Derby Pyramid for most part was stored in the attic and access to it was not so straight-forward. On the odd occasion when we wanted to set it up it was brought down to the ground floor and set up in a much larger and spacious room. Now it took much longer for the model to start working. But in time the atmosphere would change and become quite electric. At one time a lady visitor came running down to see if everything in the house was alright although she had no idea that the model had been set up and aligned.

3.5 Barriers Removed

A young man sat under the model pyramid and felt that massive mental barriers could be broken within himself. He realised that with practice greater experiences could be achieved and the device provided a pathway to that goal. It had a protective power and was easier to concentrate. He practised breathing exercises and found the flow of natural energy to be greatly enhanced. To him the atmosphere seemed to be extremely tense and quite overwhelming. He defined the shape itself as a master and a teacher. It could be used to learn from it and progress further through evolution.

3.6 Awakening and Historic Events Unfold

A young man had a series of outstanding experiences. The few hours that it took to perform the experiments altered the whole of his outlook on life. When exposed to the pyramid he observed that there was a beautiful perfection in the shape. Before the tests he was very tired so he decided to lie down under the model. Almost immediately his body became paralysed and a little later he realised that these were the first stages to projection from the physical body. A whole series of pictures began to appear in his mind. Manifestation of the pyramid was seen whirling in space. Afterwards some type of electric organ music was heard as if there were hundreds of these instruments all playing in unison. In the background was the voice of a massive choir. It was an electrifying experience.

Later on he sat on a small stool below the apex of the pyramid. On settling down in the new posture, he noticed that his mind changed into one of absorption and reception. An immediate silence pervaded and he became charged up, despite his previously depleted state. His mind was alert and yet he was in a restful state that he had never experienced before.

The next day he carried out some psychometry with the stone chipping I had brought from Egypt. Within a short time he tuned into the mind substance of the rock and began to see the history of the pyramid. Once again the same music that he had heard whilst lying under the model was heard but it was a pleasant sound and had changed its character. A yellow light and a deep slow pulse of power emanated from the shape power of the Great Pyramid. Music was an intrinsic aspect of it as great shafts of energy radiated from the apex with a deep humming sound.

The investigator had a treat of his lifetime. He began to see the pyramids as they were in the days gone by. The setting was a thing of sheer joy. An evergreen and beautiful vegetation pervaded the whole region. There were streams and the entire place could best be described as heavenly.

The Great Pyramid was seen from the outside of the planet attracting colossal energies from the whole solar system, and redirecting them to the world. It acted as the main power centre for the whole of civilisation to control their day to day existence. The pyramid faces shone white through the day and night. There was a type of antenna at the apex from where the main energy was released. Some of this power travelled to the pyramids in a system of relays.

In its heyday interplanetary intelligences had landed openly on earth to give co-operation to the inhabitants to build these monuments. Large flying craft which looked like helicopters were seen in action. They appeared to have control over gravity and moved about silently and effortlessly lifting blocks of stones to their destination. There was a lot of activity but no physical effort was employed.

People who operated the pyramid and worked there looked very fit and wore overall-like suits as if they were soldiers. They also wore helmets over their heads. There was a great jealousy which existed amongst the evil black magicians of the day because of the vast influence of the pyramids.

An interesting sight was that of a tall man who lay flat down on a bed-lift which traversed through the narrow passages of the structure. (I was intrigued to hear this as I had wondered how initiates would have travelled through the very narrow passages inside the pyramid where there were no steps provided for such action).

In the days of Atlantis shape power was introduced from outside as a definite science to help the inhabitants at that time. In the latter days, interplanetary agents had retreated and were not intervening too much with earthman. Inside the pyramid were certain silent spots where students could retire to re-live essential experiences so that they could operate the machinery housed in the temple. Eventually an awful conflict ensued and the civilisation collapsed. Just prior to that there was great confusion and unrest throughout the planet. Different items from the pyramid were quickly removed. A large space craft actually lifted off the top of the pyramid and disappeared.

3.7 A Travel through Time

A young girl was exposed to the model pyramid. When she looked at it she could not focus her eyes and felt as if she was dreaming. A strong feeling of rejection dawned as if the mechanism did not want her to be there. A vortex of energy tried to push her out.

The Great Pyramid appeared to be seen from a long distance away. She crept under the model and did some deep breathing. Moments later vivid pictures were seen in colour of events connected with the stone monuments. These visions were more life-like than the normal world that she was aware of. At first, heavily ornamented people appeared carrying out different ceremonies. There was some form of animal sacrifices going on. Then her mind travelled to times before that.

More festivities were in progress, but this time human sacrifices were involved. The faces of the people involved could not be seen because all of them wore face masks and they were even more heavily ornamented. Some of these masks bore the heads of different animals. Again her mind crept to times even before that. This time more humans were being sacrificed at large festivities. A lady dressed in all black stood in front of a dark stone chair directing the proceedings.

The next event was the capstone of the pyramid being melted down and removed. Then came vividly clear pictures of the pyramids as they were. The setting was in lush green surroundings of a type she has never seen in her life. The vegetation was so prolific and yet it was not a thick forest. There were birds singing and the sound of streams in the background. It was a paradise. No one was seen but at one time she caught a glimpse of a man who appeared as a giant. In the midst of this spiritual wonder lay the holy shrines of the pyramids whose power filled her with awe. On the Great Pyramid there was a large capstone which appeared to be made of white gold. The faces of the structure were not completely smooth but ribbed. It shone like a jewel and a pure white transparent light emanated from it. Next it appeared high up in the sky, almost as if it had been manufactured in space and brought to earth.

The investigator then lay on her back and looked upwards. She felt as if she was in a flying machine as the whole unit revolved and rose upwards. Next, she found herself lying inside the Great Pyramid itself. There was a cool air flowing from some ventilation arrangement. Afterwards she blacked out and could not move. Upon gaining consciousness, she crawled out from under the model pyramid.

An awful deep depression set in the like of which she had never experienced before. It filled her with sadness to realise what had become of the once shining temple. For the first time she saw that the model pyramid had a life and an intelligence all of its own. She had not thought of all those pieces of wood glued together to form a specific shape in that way before. To her it became a friend and a companion.

3.8 Out of Body Experience

A lady sat under the model pyramid with her eyes closed in a darkened atmosphere. At first a very peaceful and relaxed state pervaded which she had never experienced before. The next thing that happened was that she shot out of the room and ended up somewhere in deep space thousands of miles away from earth. It appeared as if she was totally suspended in space and completely detached from the planet as if she did not belong anywhere. The experience was so harrowing that she panicked and ended up back to her normal consciousness and the relative safety of her abode.

The above experience is very similar to the one that a person had when he went inside the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt in the late 60’s. He climbed inside the sarcophagus and lay on his back. He struck the side wall of the sarcophagus with one of his fists. The next thing he found was that he was out of his body a long way above the pyramid where he could see the stars.

3.9 Stone Circles

A lady sat under the model pyramid. She saw the Stonehenge standing on the plain. All the stones were upright and shone white. She was told that its purpose was to attract and collect energies from the Moon. Then she saw the stone circles at Avebury, their purpose was to attract energies from the Sun and collect them. These energies were then to be directed to the logos of Earth.

She was then taken down an enormous tunnel like a corkscrew which led deep down into the Earth. At the bottom it led off at right angles into a much larger tunnel. She could hear a roaring and clasping noise which she thought was the sound of the Logos. She was enveloped in beautiful velvet fire but could not go any further.

She was told that Silbury Hill had originally radionics instruments on the top and had also been used for power manipulations. The monuments on Salisbury Plain are part of a giant radionics machine over a psychic centre of the Mother Earth. The white winged horse really did exist which is represented as the white horse on the chalk downs.

Afterwards the lady carried out a psychometric analysis of the stone chipping which had been brought from the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. It was night time and she was looking down on the Great Pyramid. It was standing amongst vegetation but seemed to be illuminated. She then found herself inside the pyramid on the middle level in a large chamber. It appeared to be filled with people who were chanting the A-U-M mantra. The sound was vibrant and beautiful. She was lifted up by the sound physically and carried to the front of the chamber. She was with another tall being who was at her left shoulder. They then levitated to the apex of the pyramid which was pulsating with energies. Although she was inside she was able to see the outside which appeared to be made of crystal and beautiful scintillating colours. Enormous rays of power were being beamed out from the apex. They went miles outside : North, South, East, West and upwards. The feeling was so uplifting and beautiful with the sound of the A-U-M that she did not want to leave as her whole body vibrated with the power.

3.10 Energy Radiation

At one time when the Derby Pyramid was set up a group of 7 people assembled in a circle around the model. Recitation of a certain mantra was commenced and continued over a long period of time. All the participants felt that they had moved back in time and were standing around the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The experience was overwhelming and the group found it hard to finish the session.

A few days later one of the participants, who lived over 50 miles away from Derby, happened to meet up with a friend who was a medium. Without being prompted in any way, the medium said that she knew that there had been a gathering in Derby and she saw people chanting around a pyramid shape. She said that rays of light were emanating from the gathering and going up in deep space where there appeared to be some type of space craft. These energies were being picked, stored and to be used at some future time.

This was quite an amazing psychic perception on part of the medium who was miles away from Derby and yet could see psychically the chain of events going on and yet she had no previous knowledge of it. From this incidence it can be surmised that the energy flow from the Derby Pyramid had to be very strong to be picked up by a medium miles away completely randomly.

4.0 Conclusion

Were further investigation to be continued with the Derby Pyramid, it is obvious that a very detailed picture of the historical development of the Great Pyramid would emerge since its inception hundreds of thousands of years ago. Such a document would be of great value to humanity as it would teach us from the gross mistakes of the past. It would also show what is possible if we really put our minds to building a peaceful world which is devoid of hate, greed, war, disease and strife which is symptomatic of our present age.

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